"Nikolai, what do you wish done with the children?" Ivan asks more than a little curious.

Ignoring the couple before him he turns his attention to the children. "Come here."

They even less then the adults are able to fight the order. Nikolai caresses their faces. The scared and frightened looks they have leave as he touches them. "Children, how would you like to live with me?"

In varying manners they each reply that they would love to live with him. Nikolai smiles at this, the dark glitter in his eyes shining even brighter. "Take your knives and cut your fingers." The children go back to their clothes and search for their knives. The adults watch in horrid fascination as their children prepare to cut themselves.

One by one they cut their fingers. Nikolai slashes his hand as well. He has the children come to him and gently has a drop of their blood and one of his mix binding the children to him.

"Follow these vampires, they will take you to your new rooms." Nikolai has several vampires come forward and take the children.

"Make sure that they get cleaned up. Then go shopping for them, some of their clothes are little better than rags. Make sure that they get food as well. They are not to be touched by any other vampire."

"Yes, my prince." The vampires say herding the children before them. Others go to the kitchens to fetch food for their prince's bond servants.

Nikolai then returns his attention to the bond pair before him. "You have the same choice as the couple before you."

The female looks down then drops to her knees, "I choose to become your pet, master."

The male has tears in his eyes as he does the same.

They are led off to a room to await Nikolai turning them as his pets.

Nikolai does this one more time. "My mate will need pets, what is your choice?" So he asks of several couples for his mate and Samantha.

"Father you may choose one." Ivan looks over the remaining hunters and smiles.

"You come here." The girl looks at him and is terrified. She is young although not young enough to  be considered a child.

The girl comes forward. "If you have this child it will kill you. You are too young yet to survive the birthing." The child won't survive anyway Ivan can feel death nearing it.

The girl looks at the vampire with tears in her eyes. She doesn't think that she will survive very long anyway.

"You have heard the question given to the others of your family. Now you have the same question given to you, what do you choose?"

"What of my child?" The girl timidly asks.

"It is dying already. If you choose to remain with me I will deal with it so that it won't pain you too much." Ivan says in a gentler voice than he had used previously.

The girl kneels before him, "I will become your pet." Ivan smiles and helps the girl to her feet and has her taken to his room.

"Sebastian, you may choose one as well," Nikolai determines.

"Thank you father, might I request a bond pair?" Sebastian asks diffidently not sure if he should rock the boat.

"If you bind all their children to me." Nikolai concedes.

"Thank you father." Sebastian orders a young couple forward.

"You have heard others given this chance. Those not chosen will be going to auction. Already word has gotten out among the vampires that a family of hunters has been taken. Word has also spread that the hunters have declared war on the vampires. Soon there won't be any hunters left. Your blood will become a delicacy much sought after. If you don't wish to become my pets you won't be sold, you will be bred to keep the vampires with a supply of hunter blood. What is your choice?" Nikolai looks approvingly at his son. 

The two before him look sick but it doesn't take them long to make their choice. "Master." They say and bow their heads, "we choose to become your pets."

Nikolai smiles darkly, he rather likes Sebastian's idea.

"The females will be kept until they give birth." Nikolai waits for the hunters to give him their full attention. "The males will have the choice, to feed my people until the females are ready to bare another child and become breeders or be sold." Nikolai looks at the hunters, their shock and dismay clear. "Those past child bearing years will be sold. Once you have your child you will either be mated with a hunter or with a vampire depending on my mood and our needs. You will go with the vampires now."

"I have to say Nikolai, I haven't seen you this cruel in centuries." Ivan says coming up to his son after the hunters had been taken out of the hall.

"My mate hadn't been killed either. I'll have my pets come clean up the hall once I'm done with them."

"As you wish Nikolai." Ivan hesitates then continues, "Once Natalia awakens I'll be stepping down and you will become king."

Nikolai walking up the stairs stumbles at his fathers words and returns to his side. "What did you just say?"

"I said that when Natalia awakens I'll be stepping down so you can take over. I know that you have been humoring me for some time now. I have no desire to be humiliated in front of the other vampires. You are the stronger vampire, you have the bond and loyalty of the vast majority of the vampires. It is time that you take your rightful place."

"You are the king." Nikolai demurs. 

"But there comes a time when a king must step down. Besides, I think I want to have some fun with my newest pet. I'd rather not be distracted by work."

Nikolai can only look at his father astounded. "As you wish father."

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