Royalty - Bang Chan Imagine

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"Forgive me for startling you, I just thought I could steal a quiet moment with you," Prince Chan said finally turning to face you. "I didn't get a chance to dance with you earlier tonight, but to be honest, I was quite glad as I'm a terrible dancer." You giggled causing Chan's smile to widen.

"If we're going to be frank, then I'm quite glad that you spared me one dance as well. I don't believe that these shoes are meant for dancing the night away," you told Chan looking up at the stars.

"Oh, are you alright? Would you like to take off your shoes? As gorgeous as they may be, they don't look like the most comforting object in the world," he spoke still smiling at you. Chan had surprised you yet again with his question.

"Taking my shoes off in public? That would be very improper, especially for a prince and a princess," you said. Chan leaned closer to you, his eyes glinting with a hint of mischievousness.

"There's nobody looking. I won't tell anyone if you won't." You looked behind you to confirm Chan's statement that no one was paying any mind to the two of you; everyone else was rather focused on dancing or laughing with one another. You bit your lip conflicted with the idea.

"Here, I'll start," Chan said kicking off his shoes. "Ah, much better." Your eyebrows shot up as the prince shocked you once again.

"Well you certainly are different from the other princes," you stated as Chan waited for you to take off your heels as well.

"Why, of course, I'd be such a bore if I were to be like the other stuck up princes. Plus those shoes were hurting me, but I'm sure not as much as those heels are hurting you," the prince said shooting a look at your own shoes. You took in a breath before finally giving in and hesitantly stepping out of your own heels. A sigh of relief fell from your mouth as your feet met the cold ground, and as they were released from their confined prison. Chan grinned another wide grin again before picking up both of your shoes and leading the two of you over to a seat on the balcony.

"So tell me, princess, how excited were you when you found out that you were to have an array of men prying for your love and attention?" Chan teased you.

"Oh, I was over the edge with excitement. However, I don't believe that I can say that I wasn't at least a little disappointed to see the men," you said playing along.

"And why, pray tell, were you disappointed?" Chan asked curiously.

"Ah, because the men don't appear to be as I expected," you said pinching the bridge of your nose.

"I see. Oh! I know, it's because we're all too handsome and you simply can not believe your eyes at the sight of our beauty! You're overwhelmed with it, and to be honest, I am too," Chan exclaimed, snapping his fingers at his theory. Upon hearing the prince's idea, you let out the most unflattering and unprincess-like laugh. Chan couldn't help but let out loud bursts of laughter with you when he heard you; the two of you filling the night with loud laughter.

"Oh goodness," you said swiping the corners of your eyes for any tears that appeared from your laughter. "You are quite something else," you told Chan, as your lips turned up into a brilliant smile.

"I could say the same for you," he said placing his hand near yours on the bench that you were both seated on.

The two of you began to converse for a long tome about the smallest of things. Things such as, what the ultimate pie flavor was, to big ideals such as politics, how to run and country and more. You were enjoying spending time with Chan when your governess Mina walked out onto the balcony.

"Your Highness! Is this where you have been all night? It's nearly midnight! Are your shoes off? Oh goodness, come along now it's time to leave!" Mina bombarded you with questions and statements before turning around to head for the bedrooms, expecting you to follow her.

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