(5) Dirty Memories

Start from the beginning

     "What do you mean by...these kinds of things?" I asked him, but Johnson just shrugged his shoulder and said, "You're older now. You figure it out."

     I massaged my temple from frustration and didn't force him to answer me anymore. Knowing Johnson, he'll keep his mouth shut for years when he decides on keeping something a secret from me.

     "What the hell are you doing here in the first place anyways?" I finally asked him.

     Johnson shifts himself on the seat and answered, "Your sister Diana...she called me earlier, said she wanted to eat lunch with you."

     I was honestly surprised since I haven't seen that child for a very long time. I think the last time I saw her was on her birthday last year, but that time I was just at the car and she had to go out just so I could give her my gift. She celebrated her birthday at her family's residence, she asked me to go inside but someone had to kill me first before I could even step foot inside that mansion.

     "Why didn't she call me instead?" I asked.

     "She said she was sure you'd decline her if she did. And she had to lie to her parents just so she could spend the afternoon with you, so be a gentleman and don't decline it", Johnson tells me, making me chuckle, "Spend the time with me? I know Diana, the only reason why she wants to talk to me is because she needs something."

     Johnson doesn't say anything but chuckles instead.

     "So, where does she plan to dine?" I asked.

     "She already texted me the location, she also told me to meet up at 12. I'll just drive you there", Johnson tells me. I quickly looked at my watch and saw the time: 11:24 AM.

     I took a deep breath and stood up, "Well then...let's go."

     Johnson nodded his head and went to the door to open it up for me.

     I went out first and saw Julien typing something down on his computer. When he hears the door open, he quickly lifted his head and sees me.

     He quickly stands up from his seat and said, "Sir, what can I-"

     I quickly lifted my hand to stop him, "We're eating lunch, let's go", I say as I started walking away without even waiting for his reply.

     Johnson follows behind me, seconds later Julien joins in too.

     After that we eventually got inside the car. I was staring out the window like how I usually do when suddenly, Johnson – whose eyes were still glued to the road – asked, "So, what's your name Mr. Secretary?"

     Julien quickly looks at Johnson and answered, "Uhm...Julien Choi sir."

     Johnson laughs, "Romeo & Julien...oh what are the odds."

     I rolled my eyes while Julien pretends to laugh at what Johnson just said.

     "And don't add the sir, we're both just working under chairman Val anyways", Johnson suddenly tells him, making me quickly clear my throat and say, "Excuse me but-"

     Johnson cuts me off and says, "Oh sir, were you listening to our conversation?"

     Julien glances at me, and I quickly clenched my fist from frustration, "No, of course not. Why would I listen to other people's conversation?" I forcefully said, and I could see Johnson smirking through the rearview mirror.

     "So Julien, how long have you been living here? Or were you actually born here?" Johnson continued to ask.

     "No, but I've been living here for almost 10 years now", Julien answered, making Johnson nod his head as an understanding.

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