Oh no, affected by the loss of someone?

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  Death is a very fragile subject to touch upon. Whether you lost a parent/guardian, a sibling, a best friend, a teacher, a beloved pet, even the damn stranger on the street, it is one of the most painful experiences to talk about. In your time of grief, please take time to cry. Legit. Go in a room, and cry your bloody eyes out until you release all that pain. You're obviously not going to be able to pay attention in school, so again, for your mental health, just cry. It's okay to cry, it's healthy. Cry and cry and cry until you release all that pain and anger out. You'll, unfortunately, go through three stages. The depressive, painful, I can't do this stage,(the first and ridiculously hard stage)., the anger stage, where you're pissed the hell off it happened and would do anything to bring them back, and finally, the acceptance stage, where it hurts, but it won't destroy your everyday activities. You are going to be okay. The situation itself, well, that may never be okay. However, it will get easier, you will get stronger, and you will learn how to cope with it. The unfortunate, tragic event has a person that adores you, or even better yet, does not want you to cry. I'm pretty sure this person would want you to be happy. For them, allow them to be your motivation for the biggest successes in your life, they're watching up above. They want you to do well. They always will.  

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