Sad on the Holidays?

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For those who are not so jolly on the holidays, I know this must be a really hard time for you. Whether it be that an event happened, you usually don't celebrate during these times, you're battling a disorder, battling depression, going through a tragic time or anything-- just know that hope exists for you. I acknowledge you. I, MYSELF, WISH YOU THE BEST. MY PRAYERS GO OUT TO YOU. It is not easy to watch everyone else enjoy their time while you are in a hole of dispair. However, you have to know those dear family members, or those dear friends want you to be happy. We want to physically hug you, and bless you with gifts, and make sure you'ee having a great time. It's okay, it's going to be okay. Keep it inside your heart that you deserve the best, and surround yourself with those who will make literally make you LOL. You're going to be okay. Many air hugs to you.

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