Empowerment Words.

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  If someone died; they are your angel now.
If you went through loss of a parent: My prayers are with you.
If you're going through a physical disability, I wish you nothing but the best.
If you're going through a learning disability, you can and will conquer it.
If you're going through an abusive relationship of any sort, you need to get away as soon as possible.
If you're going through a fight with anyone, fights heal because time will heal.
If you're still self harming, take this as a reason to learn how to cope in a better way.
If you're making yourself throw up food, please please please try to get help for yourself. You need to do it the healthy way, not this way.
If you're struggling with any sort of eating disorder, please get help. You don't deserve to live your life that way.
If you're abusing substances, please please learn to cope in a different way, that is NOT the way to go.
If you're a rape victim, please understand you're not alone. You deserve to talk to someone and not be traumatized.
If you're even a sexual harassment victim, nobody should be touching you like that.
If you're living with alcoholics, it's going to be okay, you'll find your way. Breathe.
If you're being abused by any type of guardian or older person, get away as soon as possible, you're not alone and it's going to be okay.
If you're going through a breakup, don't worry, time heals.
If you're debating to eat or not, EAT.
If you'received a victim of an emotionally traumatizing abusive relationship, get out immediately.
If you regret any decision, don't, anything could be fixed. You shouldn't regret a thing.
If you're still debating "now or never" to get back friendships, achieve a HEALTHY goal, achieve something great, do it. It's now or never.
You never know how long someone is going to live, start telling people all the positive things you feel about them.

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