Believe me, I know.

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I know you don't believe it.
I know it's been too long.
I know you're tired of the same shit.
I know you're sick of seeing it.
I know you're sick of everyone.
I know you wanna punch everyone in the face.
I know you want them to pay for what they've done.
I know you can't see the light in the storm.
I know you can't take it anymore.
I know you feel like falling apart sometimes.
I know you don't want to see it again.
I know you wanna rip every head off.
I know you wanna win.
I know you wanna survive.
I know you will survive.
I know you will win.
I know they will pay one day.
I know karma comes back.
I know you're a survivor.
I know life is tough, but you'll make it.
I know you will get rid of the pain.
I know it will go away soon.
I know it will have a better ending.
I know life is challenging you, but you will make it through.
I know you were meant to be on earth.
I know you will be rewarded some day.
I know you will get what you deserve one day.
I know you got this.
I know you will survive little soldier, I know you will.

Hopeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें