I'm sorry you just cried.

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Yep, maybe you recently just brawled your eyes out. Recently you just debated whether you should give up and just let it all end. Maybe you can't find the purpose in the situation anymore. Recently, you just didn't care. You were done. And this feeling in you chest, you looked upon it and said enough is enough, this isn't going away.
But let the future talk, after all these heartbreaks, breakdowns, tears, hopeless moments, -- light arrives. You will look back and realize why you cried so hard, why it hurt so much, why it murdered you. After every storm comes a rainbow, even if it comes when you least expect it. When you look back at the times you were torn apart, you will find that you did find happiness somewhere, even in the slightest thing. Sometimes, a door opens that you never imagined, and it makes you the happiest person ever. Sometimes, something so amazing happens, you realize that a hard door closed so a even STRONGER MUCH MORE LOVING door opens. You won't even realize it, it'll be amazing.
Tears do NOT last forever. That heartbreak will go away. You just have to listen to that 1% of hope telling you that there's something out there waiting for you.
I'm sorry you cried. I'm sorry you almost wanted to give up. I'm sorry you wanted to tear yourself apart. I'm sorry you couldn't find purpose, but it exists. Believe me, it exists.

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