"For those of you who do not know me, I'm Coach Greg and I'm the gym teacher and football coach here at Mayview. Since today is the first day of school, you do not have to change for class," Coach announces and the class cheers. Our jubiliation is short lived when he continues, "you will have to dress up tomorrow. Today, as a treat, we will be playing Softball. Will. You're one team captain. Pick another captain, I'll go get the softball."

Coach stalks across the gym towards his office. Will scans the class and nervously scratches his head.

"Um, anyone want to be the other captain?" Will asks.

"I'll do it," A voice rings out from the back. Everyone turns around to look at the new person. And I thought Will was attractive. This guy even puts Will to shame. He looks to be the brooding type and even boasts a black leather jacket. I hear a collective gasp amonst the class and a lot of undistinguishable whispering.

"That's Will's brother, Cole," Lucy whispers in my ear, "they're sort of estranged. I'll tell you more later, we can hang after school and Lynn and I will catch you up to speed about everyone."

I simply nod my head and smile at her. Will nervously nods his head.

"Alright, thanks Cole," he smiles at the crowd, "Okay so I guess we're going to pick teams now. So, Clinton."

"Lucy," Cole calls and flashes Will a broad smile. Will's smile falters a little.

"Lynn," he calls out and she joins him. The air is tense as everyone silently waits to see who Cole is going to call.

"New girl, the one Lucy was talking to," Cole points at me. For some reason him pointing at me angers me. Everyone can tell he's trying to cause trouble. I stand and indignantly stare at him.

"My name is Ara," I snap, "and pointing is rude."

I stand beside Lucy and cross my arms. I look around and see the class staring at me in surprise. I guess no one has talked to Cole like that before.

"You watch your mouth, lady, I'm your captain," Cole snarls at me.

I snort, "Please. You're a team captain for a high school gym class for a game of softball that will last like ten minutes. You hold no power over me."

"Ara, don't start something with him," Lucy warns in my ear in a soft voice but it's clear by the expression on Cole's face that he heard her.

"Take a hint from your friend," Cole says and turns back around. I'm determined to take this guy down a few notches. I catch Will's eye and mouth "Pick Ryder". Will nods his head and calls out for Ryder. Cole picks some random dude in the back that I don't know. I catch Will's eye again. "Carter"

Will nods and and calls out for Carter. Cole looks at me.

"What are you doing?" he snaps.

"Nothing," I reply in the most innocent voice I have. Cole narrows his eyes and continues the selection process. By the end, Will ends up with all my brothers and I know his team will win. Besides Music, the Jensons have also been gifted in athletics.

With the help of my brothers, Will's team is killing it. When Ryder went, I watched Coach Greg and was satisfied with the impressed expression he had.

Finally it was our turn to bat. When I went, I had a plan of sabotaging my team so I pathetically missed.

"Ha, figures, stupid girl's all talk and no game. This is why girls shouldn't be allowed to do sports." Cole leans against the gym wall.

"Girls can't do sports?" I ask shrilly. My heart is pounding with rage and I turn to Clinton who is pitching, "Clinton, give me your best serious pitch."

I widen my stance and fiercely prepare for the ball. Clinton winds up the shot and I can easily predict where it's going. I hit the ball with ease and send it flying towards the ceiling where it gets stuck. Clinton is staring at me with wide eyes and an open mouth.

"Suck on that, Cole," I taunt and gleefully start to run the bases. The bell suddenly rings.

"And with that Cole's team wins," Coach Greg announces and I stop in my tracks.

Cole comes really close to me but I'm so filled with hatred that his extreme attractiveness has no effect on me. That ass played me! "Suck on that, Ara," Cole teases, flicks my nose, and exits the gym.

"Let it go, Ara," I feel Carter place his hand on my shoulder, "you can get him back next Gym class, we've got to go to Spanish."

"I have that next, Will's got French on the other side of the school so let's go," Lucy tugs on my arm. I take a deep breath and release my anger. It was becoming toxic and I didn't need that kind of negative energy.

"So, what crawled up his ass and died?" Carter asks Lucy as we walk to class.

Lucy sighs, "So Will and Cole's dad is the senator of Massachusetts. Being a politician's kid, especially a politician who has been planning to go the White House for quite some time, well that puts a lot of pressure on the kids. Will embraced it and Cole, who's real name is actually Archimedes by the way, Cole he rebelled against it."

"Archimedes?" Carter laughs and I ignore that for now. Lucy nods her head.

"Define rebelled against," I press, wanting more information about the mysterious enigma that is Cole.

"He's smart and is in all the advanced classes, but he refuses to do any good image publicity like Will does. Cole even got arrested twice but none of the charges stuck," Lucy explains. 

I narrow my eyes, "What did he get arrested for?"

Lucy shrugs, "No one really knows, Will won't even tell me. He says it's Cole's business."

I admire Will's values but my curiosity is peaked. I ignore it for now. Spanish passes fast and before I know it school is over. Lucy's mom called and asked her to babysit her little brothers so we made plans to hang out on Wednesday. Tomorrow I have to go volunteer at the hospital, which I do not want to think about.

I leisurely stroll through the nearly empty halls and try to figure out the best way to pass time. I remember that I have the Scarlet Letter in my backpack so I decide to find a nice corner to settle down and read.

I walk around and find a nice spot in the center of the school. It's in the outdoor pavallion located in the center of the school and there's a nice little nech tucked under a tree. I excitedly rush to the deserted bench and settle down. I immerse myself into the world of Hester Prynne. 

"What are you doing here?" 

Unedited & Thanks so much for reading!!!!

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