Chapter 24: Soccer and Some Realisation

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Chapter 24: Soccer and Some Realisation

*Alexa Shiffer*

"Anyone going to eat that?" Tommy asked, pointing at the last sandwich on the table.

"I want it," a girl named Rebecca spoke up and quickly grabbed the sandwich.

"Oh." Tommy stared quietly at the spot where the sandwich had been just seconds ago, which was now in Rebecca's mouth. Jordan glanced over sympathetically at Tommy.

"Hey, wait a second buddy," he said, getting up and wandering away. Seconds later he was back with another three sandwiches left on a tray- seemingly taken from another table. He offered the tray to Tommy who beamed happily and grabbed two. Jordan went to take the last one.

"Wait, did you want the last one, Alexa?" he asked, holding out the tray to me. He was just trying to be polite; his eyes showed full well that he wanted it for himself.

"Nah," I laughed. "There are other stomachs that need it more than mine." Jordan grinned and stuffed the last sandwich in his mouth. "Besides, my stomach prefers cake," I added simply, taking another slice of cake from a different tray.

"I want cake too!" Rebecca called out.

"Wow, how do you have room for all that food, Rebecca?" I asked genuinely. "How old are you?"

"I'm seven. And I need a lot of energy to play!" she grinned excitedly.

"That's crazy!" I gasped. "I think you probably eat more than I do, and I thought I ate a lot! You nearly eat as much as Jordan actually."

"Hey, you can't call him Jordan!" the girl called Amy piped up. "You have to call him Uncle Jordan!"

I stifled a laugh. There was no way I was calling him Uncle Jordan. That was weird, considering that we went to school together.

"Um...are you sure? I don't know if that's the best idea ever..." I tried, awkwardly.

"Hey," Jordan cut in. "They call me Uncle Jordan; you call me Uncle Jordan. Come on, you're a part of the fam now. No getting out of it," he taunted me, waggling his eyebrows.

I sighed heavily, realising that the eyes of every kid on the table were on me. What could I do? Be like, 'Dude, he's not your Uncle, stop being stupid and just call him by his actual name?' I'm sure that would go down well. While I'm at it, I might as well say, 'oh yeah, and Santa's not real either- grow up." There was no way I could do that. These kids wanted me to call Jordan Uncle Jordan? Fine.

"Right. Okay. I can roll with that." I gave Jordan a mischievous look to let him know what he'd gotten himself into. "What I'd meant to say was: you almost eat as much as Uncle Jordan over here," I corrected, giving Amy and Rebecca an apologetic look. They nodded their heads, satisfied, and carried on eating.

All the people on the other tables had finished eating so were simultaneously stacking plates whilst chatting amongst themselves.

"Hey, Uncle Jordan?" Tommy asked, poking Jordan in the arm. "Can we have our game now?"

"Of course we can!" Jordan exclaimed, before glancing around the room at the people beginning to tidy up. "But first, I should..."

"No!" I interrupted quickly. "Go, go have your game. I'll help tidy up and come find you when I'm done." Tommy had been waiting a long time. Let the boy have his game already!

Jordan hesitated.

"Oh, go on already Uncle Jordan, you're not getting any younger," I mocked, standing up and beginning to stack up the empty plates and cutlery. He shot me a look before setting off after Tommy who had already ran out of the room in excitement. I smiled to myself as I watched Jordan veer around the corner, calling after Tommy to slow down.

The Reason Why [✓ Completed~ editing]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz