Chapter 42: Encounter

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*Jordan Simpson*

I didn't hear my parents leave this morning. That just shows how well I slept.

I rolled over in my bed to peer through blurry eyes at my alarm clock on the bedside table. With the faintly glowing figures only displaying a few minutes before my alarm would go off, I decided that I might as well get up and save the shock of the panic alarm noise, which apparently seemed to be the only effective sound that would penetrate my drowsy mind in the mornings.

Monday mornings were not famous for being the most cheerful of days; however, I would be lying if I said I wasn't in an especially good mood today. After the eventful weekend that had just passed, and with my parents now away, everything was settling down and returning to normal again. The initial shock had died down and there was a newfound mutual understanding between mine and Alexa's parents, meaning there was also now a better understanding between Alexa and I. I guess you could say that was partly why I was in a good mood today.

I thought that I would surprise her this morning by turning up at her house and driving her to school, particularly because I wanted to revel in the feeling of being able to drive down her road freely without the fear of being shunned. Maybe if I got there a little earlier, I might even be able to spend some time with her before we went to school. My mind turned back to just yesterday; the last time I had been to her house.

I remembered Alexa's feisty little protests and attempts to resist the inevitable. But like I said; it was inevitable, so really there was nothing I could do about it.

I knew how I had felt about her for a long time, but didn't know how to get it across. There was always a barrier between us due to the past that she had held against me for so long, but now we could finally move on. I couldn't be happier about how things had turned out between our parents and with the stage production. Hopefully this could be some way, if even only a little, that we could make it up to the Shiffers.

After a quick shower, I pulled on a clean T-Shirt and some jeans before heading to the kitchen. The early morning sunlight filtered through the patio doors at the end of the kitchen as I grabbed some breakfast.

As I went to sit down at the breakfast bar with a bowl of cereal, I heard the noise of a rattling fence outside in the garden. I glanced briefly out of the doors, thinking it must have been the wind, but the trees were still. I shrugged it off as someone probably just waking past the house. I had noticed before that my senses seemed to automatically heighten when I was the only person in the house.

I reached over and flicked the radio on to provide some background noise in the silent household. I couldn't help but feel slightly lonely. I was usually fine with being alone, but as I was sitting here on my own, I imagined Alexa's face. She was probably doing the same as me right now, also in an empty house. The thought of her brought an involuntary smile to my lips and I immediately slid my mobile out of my pocket, intending to give her a call. However, what I was faced with instead was not something I was expecting.

A message had come through whilst I must have been in the shower. It was from Jasmine. I put down my spoon and stared at the screen for a few moments, not knowing if I should open the message or not. I had hardly spoken to her since the beginning of the semester. All I knew was that she had been bribing Natalie, in order to help split Alexa and I apart. I couldn't exactly say I had any respect for Jasmine, nor did I want to talk to her.

After a few more moments, my curiously got the better of me. Realistically, there was no way I would have ever really just ignored a message from her. It could be important. For what other reason would she suddenly decide to contact me now?

I could almost hear Jasmine's voice in my head as I read her message.

Hey, Jordan. How's it going? I was wondering if you'd be able to meet me earlier at school today. I think we need a little chat to clear the air a bit. What do you think? ;) XOX Jasmine

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