Chapter 14: Split Personalities

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*Alexa Shiffer*

Oops.. I had kinda forgotten to baby sit at my next door neighbour's the other day.. Tee hee? It was all going well, I'd do my homework and then go round to baby sit. That was before Jordan turned up and literally swept me off my feet. Ew.

I only just recalled this little mishap as I was walking to my truck from my house and Mrs Piller, my neighbour, was standing on her doorstep looking at me with distaste. I reacted instinctively with a huge obviously overreacted splutter.

"Mrs Piller," I croaked out the best I could, "I'm so sorry, I came down with a terrible cold and didn't think it was appropriate to baby sit for health issues- I tried to phone but forgot that of course, you weren't in! I'm very sorry, I hardly could get out of bed.."

"You poor pea!" Piller sighed empathically in her strong northern accent. "You should be staying in bed! Do you need me to look after you dear?"

"No, no, really I think I'm recovering now, besides, I have an important test today," I lied.

"Well, if you need anything, just tinkle on the phone to me!"

"Thank you." I murmered politely as I hurried to the car slightly bent over to make my story sound believable.

The morning at school went like a blur- I couldn't wait for Adriana and Lucas to meet! Actually, I was kind of scared to what she would say to this one to scare him off. Plus, I was intrigued to find out what was going on on our 'outing' with his attitude and stuff.

I met Adriana where I promised-and I made sure I remembered-and we went to lunch together like old times- it felt like forever!

When we got to our table, Natalie, Japera and Lucas were sitting down eating already. As soon as Natalie saw me she waved and smiled brightly before spotting Adriana and her smile altered slightly- or was that jut me? Japera smiled sweetly at both of us, she was a sucker for friendship and I was guessing she was inwardly in paradise seeing us together again so happy- as cheesy as that sounds.

Then there was Lucas. He was the last to turn around and I think it was from embarrassment from the last time we saw each other and his rosy cheeks confirmed this when he finally turned around. Surprisingly, his gaze met mine instantly and held them for a few long moments, his eyes portrayed, I think, regret and apology and I couldn't help but feel bad even if I didn't know what for.

But then, his beautiful eyes flicked to my right, towards Adriana, and his eyes locked.

*Adriana Vlachos*

Who the heck is that beautiful boy.

Seriously who.

What was his name?

Where did he come from?

How and why is he sitting at our table?

His gaze flicked to mine and I realised I couldn't tear mine away from his. I don't know how long we were looking at each other before I received a discreet nudge from my left. I instantly blinked and focused my eyes on the ground before realising that that looked lame and focused my eyes on a spot at the back of the cafeteria.

Next minute, I was sat next to this mysterious boy like a lemon. Everyone else was engaged in conversation about their weekend but somehow, the only voice I could distinguish was the guy's. Why? I wish I knew.

I heard my name and suddenly was dragged back to reality. Everyone was staring at me.

"Adriana?" Japera's eyes were widening. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm um fine. S'good pasta." I said while chewing on some spaghetti..that wasn't mine..

Crap. I hadn't even realised that my hand was just taking strands of pasta from the guy's plate next to me. Ohh man. He was staring at me with an amused smirk.

The Reason Why [✓ Completed~ editing]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz