Chapter 30: Indifference

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Chapter 30: Indifference

*Alexa Shiffer*

"Bye," I groaned half-heartedly. The last place I wanted to go right now was school. School meant a number of things: facing Lucas, facing Adriana, facing Natalie, and worst of all, facing Jordan. Jordan; I had tried not to think about him all night, but if the dark circles around my eyes stood for anything, maybe that plan didn't work out so well. I was determined to forget about him today. I would do all that I could. Thing was, I basically only had one friend left and that was Japera.

I had never once in my life had an argument with Japera. She was the only person I could say that about. I'm sure there were plenty of things that she found irritating and annoying about me, but if she did, she would find a way to tell me so nicely that I wouldn't even notice that she was saying anything bad about me. If the world was full of Japeras, war and fighting would even be a concept. I wish I could be more like her; loved by all, hated by none. She was the kind of person that would go down in history as one of the world's greatest peace-makers along with Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks.

I sunk into the soft seat of the driver's chair in my truck and shoved the keys in the ignition. I paused for a second, closing my eyes. I had woken up with a slight headache and would get occasionally dizzy. As if today wasn't going to be bad enough.

Rubbing my eyes out of tiredness, I noticed that I hadn't bothered to put on any make up this morning. I glanced in the mirror and sighed. Who cared? It's not like I had anybody to impress.

I turned onto Japera's street and smiled as I spotted her waiting for me outside her house with her parents keeping an eye on her from the window. I pulled up and waved to Japera and her parents. Such a perfect family.

Japera hopped into my truck and closed the door gently.

"Hey," I said, turning to her and sighing. She smiled sympathetically and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Let's talk about it."

I manoeuvred the truck around and turned onto the main road.

"Did he find you then?" Japera asked in a way that made it sound as if she knew rather than that she was asking me a question.

"You told him?"

"Yeah, I hope you didn't mind."

"Huh. I thought that he wouldn't come on his own."

"Actually..." Japera said slowly, stringing it out so as to get a reaction from me. She succeeded.

"What?" I said urgently. She laughed quietly.

"I found him waiting in front of your truck actually. He was looking for you but then lost sight of you in the crowd."

I frowned, taking this in.

"It was probably just to tell me something or other, "I dismissed, convinced that he wouldn't actually have been there because he cared. "It doesn't matter now anyway," I sighed. "It's...over." I stopped, feeling odd saying that something that had never been, was over; finished.

"Over?" Japera looked shocked. I nodded, trying to look indifferent. "But why? You two were so perfect for each other," she exclaimed, looking personally upset and hurt.

"Yeah, right," I scoffed. "I don't care about him. I want to just forget every moment I have ever spent with him; erase him from my memory."

"Yeah?" Japera questionned, a sparkle in her dark eyes. "You know that's not true."

I fixed my eyes hard on the road as I sensed a tingle in my cheeks. I wouldn't allow her to convince me into believing anything that wasn't true.

"You're just saying that because you're a sucker for love," I smiled. "You'd think anyone was perfect together." I slowed as the traffic lights turned to amber.

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