Jeremy's New Plan

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Chapter 4

Once we all got down to the basement, we all stood around Jeremy and got ready to hear everything he had to say...

"For too long it's just been us, Joey and a hand full of pack sympathisers who wanted to stay on our good side. We've always- I have always relied on our strength as a family to maintain order. We've lost too many loved ones, no more. We will build our strength in numbers by might if we have to. We build a net across the entire pack territory and eliminate the warden mutt," Jeremy explained.

"So, one giant pack?" Nick questioned.

"And the ones who resist?" Clay asked.

"There's no room for resistance," Jeremy said.

"How do we know they're with us by choice and not joining because they're afraid?" Elena asked.

"Yeah, I mean how do we know we can trust them?" I asked.

"There will no longer be the choice between pack or mutt. The choice will be pack or not being at all," Jeremy said.

"How many is enough?" Nick asked.

"All of them," Jeremy answered before leaving the basement and heading up the stairs.

After doing this, we all left the basement except Elena as she got ready to cross off former mutts as they joined the pack. As we left, Clay and Jeremy both left the house and began to track down mutts while Nick and I began to take care of the twins in The Great Room.

"Jeremy sounded really serious about the mutts joining the pack," Nick said as he sat down opposite me and began to hold Elizabeth.

"I think he was Nick. I think that after everyone we lost in the pack; Pete, Antonio and Logan, it kind of made him realize that he didn't want to lose anyone else. So much heartache has hit this pack and I really think this is his way of filling that pain," I explained as I held Logan.

"Do you think what he has decided is right?" Nick asked.

"I don't know. Honestly I have no clue but maybe a change could be good for the pack. I mean they will never be our family but we can sure try to make it so we are at least allies," I answered.

"Well no matter what happens..." Nick said as he got up.

He then walked over to me and sat down before saying...

"You, me and the babies will be fine and we'll have our happy life together," Nick said.

"Yeah we will," I said before kissing him and then kissing Elizabeth and Logan's foreheads.

All of a sudden, Logan began to cry and as he did this, I immediately began to smell something very disgusting.

"Oh dear, it looks like someone needs a nappy change," I said as I got up and lifted Logan up in the air for a moment.

Once I got up, I immediately grabbed the changing bag before laying Logan on the changing mat on the floor and getting ready to change him. I then began to change Logan's nappy before putting on a new one and putting the old one in the bin. After this, I lifted Logan up into my arms and sat back down next to Nick.

"Just our little family," I said.

"Well it's a perfect one to me," Nick said before kissing my forehead.

Just then, my phone began to ring and I immediately got up before turning to Nick and saying...

"Take Logan a second," I said to Nick, giving him Logan.

After doing this, I immediately turned back to my phone and quickly held it in my hand to see who it was. As I read it, I saw it was an unknown number before I then answered it and placed it against my ear.

"Hello?" I asked as I walked out of The Great Room.

"Katherine this is Sasha. I know you're looking for me but I have to ask you to stop. I'm afraid that if you continue looking, you might get yourself in trouble," Sasha said.

"Trouble?, what kind of trouble?" I asked.

"All you need to know is that I'll see you soon," Sasha said.

"Wait when will-" I asked before I was interrupted by the sound of Sasha hanging up on me.

I immediately removed my phone from my ear and began to stare at it, realizing that I had just spoken to my father for the first time in years and I had no idea what I was going to do next...

The Half Sister ~ Nick Sorrentino {Book 3}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang