Talking With Sasha

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Chapter 9

After some time had past, I was still in shock and so was Elena at that reveal. We hadn't said anything to Sasha once he told us that he was also Elena's father. Just then, Sasha said...

"Look I know this is shocking to the both of you but if we all could just take a seat then we could talk about this," Sasha said.

"No," I said.

"Kat," Elena said.

"No. I'm sorry Elena but I just- I just can't," I said.

All of a sudden, the twins began to cry loudly and as they did this, my phone began to ring.

"I've got to go," I said.

I then pushed the double pushchair out of the park and to my car before I stopped pushing, answered my phone and began to try and calm the twins down by pushing the pushchair back and forth.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey babe, where are you?" Nick asked.

"Where am I?, I'm at the shops with Elena. You guys needed lime and bleach and I checked the kitchen and saw we needed more formula so we decided to go together," I explained over the sound of the twins crying.

"Are the twins crying?" Nick asked.

"Yeah. They just woke up from their nap and it appears they're very cranky," I answered.

"Should I call you back?" Nick asked.

"Yeah okay. I'll speak to you later," I said.

"Okay bye," Nick said.

"Bye," I said.

I then hung up and put my phone back into my bag before picking up Elizabeth and Logan, trying my best to calm them both down.

"Do you want some help with that?" a familiar voice asked from behind me.

I turned around instantly and saw it was Sasha.

"Do you even know what you're doing?" I asked.

"I've raised Katia and Alexei, plus I also remember what you and Elena were like when you were babies. Trust me, I can help you," Sasha said.

I then gave him Elizabeth and after a few moments of being in his arms, Elizabeth was quiet.

"How did you do that?" I asked as I continued to try and calm Logan down.

"I'm good with kids. Here, let me take him," Sasha offered as he continued to hold Elizabeth.

In a few moments Logan was also quiet and I stood there in amazement as he held the twins in his arms as they laid there quiet.

"So, what are their names?" Sasha asked.

"Logan and Elizabeth," I answered.

"Well hello children, I'm your grandfather," Sasha said as he spoke to them.

His eyes then returned back to me before he said...

"Who was that on the phone?" Sasha asked.

"Nick, he's my fiance," I answered.

"And is he the father of these beautiful children?" Sasha asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"I'm glad to see you have a family here," Sasha said.

"Yeah I do and I would have had a sister too here as well if you had told me that my best friend was actually my older sister," I snapped.

"I guess I deserve that but please come back," Sasha pleaded.

"I don't know if I should," I said.

"Please Katherine. You and I both know that you wanted to meet with me just as much as I wanted to meet with me," Sasha said.

"Okay," I agreed before Sasha put the twins in the pushchair and we walked back to the park where Elena was waiting.

Once we arrived back at the park, Sasha and I immediately sat down with the twins in front of me while Sasha began to explain the story of Elena's adoptive parents before giving her a photo of them and Elena.

"I know, I know it's a lot to take in. Father, family, out of the blue," Sasha said.

"Where did you get this?" Elena asked.

"From Sophia. She was a nurse at the hospital where I left you. She helped smuggle you out of Russia," Sasha answered.

"I was born in Canada," Elena said.

"Brendan and Lisa Michaels were medical volunteers when they met Sophia," Sasha said.

"Brendan and Lisa were my parents, okay? I was adopted," Elena said.

"You were, we are your blood family," Sasha said.

"This is crazy," Elena said.

"I tried you know, I did everything I could to find both of you but I was in Russia and it was next to impossible to find any information from the west," Sasha explained.

Just then, Elena and I spotted a car across the park, parked and it appeared to be watching us. Sasha followed our gaze before saying...

"Who's following both of you?" Sasha asked.

"He's not with you?" I asked.

"No," Sasha answered.

"Right, we're done," Elena said as we got up.

"You don't believe me but just please wait. Look," Sasha said.

He then lifted up his sleeves on either arms and showed us both two dates. They read Elena's and my birthdays.

"You recognized these dates?" Sasha asked.

"Their our birthdays," I said.

"Yes they are," Sasha said.

"I don't know what you want but-" Elena said before being interrupted by her phone.

She instantly took it out before looking at it and Sasha saying...

"So neither one of us know who that is huh? We have to move, it's not safe," Sasha said.

"This can't go down here. Not if he's armed," Elena said.

Elena then left us and headed off down the street as the car followed her while Sasha and I stood there, not knowing what to do before I said...

"I've got to go help her," I said.

I then headed off to the parking lot where I left my car, quickly put the twins and the pushchair in the car before driving off down the street, ready to help Elena...

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