Our Return To Stonehaven

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Chapter 3

The next morning I woke up with the sun shining across my face before I suddenly felt Nick kissing my neck before saying...

"Good morning beautiful," Nick said.

"Morning," I said.

"How's the future Mrs Sorrentino doing?" Nick asked.

"Fine. Actually more than fine," I answered.

I then rolled over and began to face him before saying...

"Perfect actually," I said before kissing him.

All of a sudden, I began to hear my babies crying from their rooms. Nick and I then stopped kissing before I said...

"Back to reality," I said.

I then smiled at him before getting out of bed and heading into Logan's room before taking him out of my cot. After doing this, I headed into Elizabeth's room and got her out of her cot and headed down the stairs.

Once I did this, I immediately put the twins in their other cots and began to prepare the milk. As I did this, Nick came down the stairs already dressed and ready to go out before saying...

"Go get dressed, I'll handle the kids," Nick said.

"Thank you," I said before heading up the stairs and into my room.

Heading into my room, I began to get dressed before I packed some bags, ready for my return to Stonehaven before I then headed down the stairs with my bags and the twins bags.

After reaching the bottom of the stairs, I saw Nick feeding the twins before he said...

"Hey, I'm going to see Rachel today, you know to check up on her and Rocco," Nick said.

"Okay well I'll see you later at Stonehaven then?" I asked.

"Yeah. Have you got everything for you and the babies?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, everything's packed," I answered.

I then walked over to Nick as he finished feeding the twins and gave me Elizabeth to burp while he burped Logan.

"Can you help me getting the twins in the car?" I asked.

"Of course I will," Nick said before getting up and walking over to me.

"I love you and I'll see you later," Nick said to me.

"I love you too," I said before we kissed.

We then stopped before Nick kissed Elizabeth's head and said...

"And I love you too little Lizzie," Nick said.

Nick then kissed Logan on the head and said the same to me before we headed out of the door and towards my car. Once I walked over to it, I immediately opened the door and put Elizabeth in on of the car seats with Logan in the other before Nick and I put the bags in the boot before closing it. After doing this, Nick closed our front door and locked it before walking over to me and saying...

"I'll see you soon," Nick said.

"See you," I said before we kissed.

Once we finished, Nick headed into his car and me in mine before we both drove off into the opposite directions and I headed to Stonehaven while he headed to Rachel's house.

After some time had past, I had finally arrived at Stonehaven before immediately parking the car. I then got out and quickly grabbed the double pushchair and set it up, ready for the twins. Once I had done this, I took the twins out and put them in the pushchair before grabbing my bags, closing the boot and heading inside the house. As I headed inside, I began to take a look at the house before all of a sudden, Jeremy walked up to me...

"Kat. How lovely it is to see you," Jeremy as before we embraced.

We then let go of each other before I said...

"It's great to see you too Jeremy," I said.

"And how are you two, little ones?" Jeremy asked as he looked at the twins.

"They're good. We're all good," I answered.

"And Nick?" Jeremy asked.

"He's gone to go see Rachel and Rocco, he'll be here soon," I answered.

"Oh and what is that?" Jeremy asked as he began to look at my engagement ring.

"Yeah, Nick proposed to me last night," I said.

"Well congratulations," Jeremy said.

"Thank you Jeremy," I said.

"Now, would you like to come and sit down?" Jeremy offered.

"Actually I would love to go and put away my bags but would you mind watching the twins?" I asked.

"Of course not," Jeremy answered.

"Thank you," I said before giving the pushchair to Jeremy.

I then picked up my bags and headed to my room before putting my bags away. Once I had done this, I then left the room and headed down the hall before I spotted Elena and she said...

"Kat!" Elena exclaimed before rushing to me and hugging me.

"I missed you too," I said as we hugged.

We then let go and she immediately spotted my ring before saying...

"You and Nick are engaged?" Elena questioned.

"Yeah Nick proposed last night," I said.

"Well congratulations," Elena said.

"Thank you," I said.

"And the twins?" Elena asked.

"Come downstairs and you can meet them," I said.

Elena nodded before we both headed down the stairs and into The Great Room. As we headed in, we immediately saw Jeremy and Clay each holding one of the twins and talking to them.

"Now isn't this adorable?" I questioned.

"We're just getting to know the new members of our family," Jeremy said.

"I can see that," I said as Elena sat down next to Clay and me across from Jeremy.

"It's good to see you Kat," Clay said to me.

"You too Clay," I said.

"And engaged?" Clay questioned as he looked at my ring.

"Yeah Nick proposed last night," I said.

"Well congratulations," Clay said.

"Thank you," I said.

"Little Logan looks just like Nick," Jeremy said.

"Yeah, I keep telling Nick that but he doesn't seem to believe me," I said.

"Well I'm sure he will soon enough," Jeremy said.

"They really are beautiful Kat," Elena said.

"Thank you," I said.

All of a sudden, the door opened and in walked Nick...

"Hey everyone," Nick said, walking in to The Great Room.

"Welcome home Nick," Jeremy said as Nick sat down next to me.

"Thank you Jeremy," Nick said.

"Hey," I said to Nick before we kissed.

"Hey," Nick said.

"So Nick, you're engaged," Clay said.

"Yes I am Clay and yes you are going to be my best man," Nick said.

"Just making sure," Clay said.

"Okay, let's head down to the basement and discuss the plans for the pack," Jeremy said as he gave me Logan.

We then all agreed before Clay gave Elizabeth back to Nick and we all headed down to the basement to discuss what was next for the pack...

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