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Chapter 12

After remembering the night that changed my life for good, I began to look at Sasha, remembering everything I was grateful to him for before saying...

"I'm sorry Sasha. I know you did me a kindness by saving my life and everything and I just abandoned you," I said.

"Well I guess we're even then," Sasha said.

"You gave me a new life, a second chance, we'll never be even," I said.

"Just having you here is enough to be even. So, do you have any questions?" Sasha asked.

"Yes. Why did you abandon me?, why did my mother die?, who killed her?" I questioned.

"Well I have the answer to all those questions and it all starts with a story; my story. After Elena was given up for adoption, I spent two years alone. I didn't find anyone to love until, all of a sudden I met this woman. She was mysterious and intriguing, making me wonder more and more about her. After meeting her, we fell in love and she became pregnant with you and we then had nine months of preparing for your arrival until you were finally born. However, after you were born, your mother wanted to be alone. She was coven leader and needed to put all her energy in raising you so you could someday lead the coven. I understood and helped here and there but your mother mainly took care of you. I knew that it was hard for her to be distant from me but I knew it was the way it had to be in order to take care of you. We continued like this until you were five and then a danger, that once attacked me, appeared again. I told your mother that I would take care of it to protect you and her but it was too late. The man that once killed Elena's mother, killed yours. When I found her, I heard you in the storage room. Your heart was racing and I could tell you needed me. So I found you and took you to your Aunt Ruth's. She wiped your memory and we put you up for adoption," Sasha explained.

"But I don't understand. Why did the man who killed Elena's mother, kill mine?" I asked.

"Because this man wanted revenge. He wanted to hurt me just like I had done to him by going after everyone I loved and that's why Katia and Alexei's mother was killed by a man, who was sent by the same man," Sasha answered.

"Who is this man?" I asked.

"Roman Navikev," Sasha answered.

"I know that name. Jeremy stays in contact with him all the time," I said.

"He can't know we're here," Sasha said.

"He won't. I promise, I'll protect you," I said.

"Thank you," Sasha said.

"There's one thing that I don't understand though. Why give me up?" I asked.

"It was your mother's idea. If anything bad happened to her, she wanted you to be safe and at the time Ruth had to deal with the pregnancy of her unborn child so she couldn't take care of you. She thought to keep you safe we should change your name, wipe your memory and give you up. This was all for your safety Katherine and if there was any of way we would have taken it," Sasha said.

"I believe you. Thank you for giving me answers but I need to go back to Stonehaven. They will all be worried and I need to help out with the pack," I said as I arose from my chair.

"I understand. Katia! Alexei!" Sasha shouted as he arose from his chair.

I watched as they instantly rushed out of the room with the twins Katia before said...

"Yeah?" Katia asked.

"Katherine needs to go. Can she have the twins back?" Sasha asked.

"Sure," Katia answered before giving the pushchair back.

"Thank you," I said.

Sasha then walked over to me and said...

"You will visit right?" Sasha asked.

"Of course I will dad," I said.

We then embraced before Katia and Alexei hugged me too. I began to feel so happy that I had finally found my family before we let go and I smiled at them before leaving the abandoned building and heading back to my car. I then got the twins and the pushchair in the car before driving off and heading back to Stonehaven...

The Half Sister ~ Nick Sorrentino {Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now