63. Unconditional

Start from the beginning

"Mother," Young Jungkook called as he laid stomach first on his bed, legs swinging behind him as his wings flapped slowly. He puffed his cheeks and glanced through the pages, eyes sparkling at the images of different angels. "Do these angel forms exist?"

"Of course they do, dear," Queen Miranda smiled warmly as she tied her night robe's strap around her waist, blonde hair tied into a ponytail.

"Why have I not seen any of them?," Jungkook cupped his face with both hands, lips pouted as he spoke with a tiny voice. "I'd want to see a Seraphim in real life. It's wings are so pretty."

"Seraphims are the rarest of all angels and also the strongest of all, dear," Queen Miranda laughed at Jungkook's cuteness as she sat on the bed and opened up her arms. The young prince's eyes beamed as he grinned and pounced at his mother, humming as big wings enveloped around him. "Would you like to know why?"

"Please tell me, Mother," Jungkook whispered softly as he tugged on Queen Miranda's robe and curled into her lap.

Queen Miranda chuckled and slowly stroked Jungkook's blonde hair. She reached for the book and flipped to the first few pages. Pointing at the picture of angels in white drapes singing, she smiled at her son. "These angels exist, Jungkook, but not in physical form. We Hemelians were all born as simple angels but Macht blessed each of us with an ability. Hidden within our core lies a different angel, our true form."

Jungkook listened quietly as he stared at the pictures and hummed at Queen Miranda to continue.

"As you can see, there are different kinds of angels," Queen Miranda spoke softly as she flipped the pages and explained each image of a different angel that appeared. Jungkook stared with sparkling blue eyes. "The first kind are the Archangels, the angels who serve to protect. These specific Hemelians have been positioned as soldiers of the kingdom. Those angels with scepters are the Principalities, rare magicals who help us foresee future events and assist our army when necessary. There are also the warrior angels like your butler Mingyu, the Powers—"

"What about me, Mother?," Jungkook yawned suddenly before Queen Miranda could explain the rest of the angels and their abilities. The prince blinked slowly and wrapped himself with his wings, nuzzling his face into his mother's robe. "What kind of angel am I?"

Queen Miranda went silent until she smiled and slowly moved Jungkook's little body to position him on the bed. She gently tucked him under the thick sheets of his bed as he started to close his eyes. "Jungkook, it doesn't matter what kind you are, you will always be my little angel boy. Good night, dear."

"Good night, Mother."

Jungkook sniffled as he stared at the book, closing it softly as he thought of his mother. The book made a light thump as he placed it back on the floor, making him notice a shattered framed photo close by. Expecting it to be a family photo that he had probably been forced to put in his room, the angel rolled his eyes and braced himself for his father's smug face.

However, what Jungkook saw was not an image of his mother or father. Instead, it was of a much younger version of himself sitting in his bedroom, a big smile on his face as he raised to fingers in the air to form a peace sign. The angel wondered if he could ever feel the pure happiness he radiated in the picture ever again. Next to his figure was none other than a grinning Kiana, a small grin on her face, eyes glowing purple as she glanced at the prince lovingly. One of the Helian's hands was on his shoulder, the other cupping his cheek as she leaned her head on his shoulder, silver hair tied to a ponytail and flowing down her shoulder.

The glass casing of the frame was shattered but only Kiana's face was covered by the cracks. Jungkook stared at the picture with trembling lips as tears dripped down from his face and onto the photo.

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