The King and the seer.

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Entry log: Yoxel





Midna: The Amazing sight of twilight is so beautiful to look at when one is down. wouldnt you


*Throne room doors fly open*

Gimus: Sire!! It's urgent, a seer is here to see you.

Yoxel: Well...invite her in.

Baga Yaya: I'm already here, your Majesty. *bows*

Midna: Oh Hylia, she's blind.

Yoxel: Most are, that's what makes them accurate.

Gimus: I'll be on my way.

Midna: Tend to court for a us, will you?

Gimus: Yes, your Majesty.

*doors close*

Yoxel: What have you come to say, seer?

Baga: I came to show you a wonder, your Majesty, It's inside this ball.

Yoxel: Well, show me the wonder.

Midna: .....

Baga: *She waves her hand around until the ball turns black* A mighty evil plagues the one you call friend.

Yoxel: Who? Link, Zelda, That beautiful young fishing lass near the Zora domain?

Midna: You just had to bring her up. *smirks*

Yoxel: *rolls his eyes* Who is it, seer?

Baga: Are you aware of a man by the name of Ganondorf?

Yoxel: Of course I know him and he's no friend of mine. What are you getting at, seer?

Baga: I can't explain it in words... So I'll show you. *The ball shatters releasing a shadowy mist*

Midna: What is this, witch!?

Baga: I'm simply showing you the wonder.

Yoxel: Midna, what is that?

*Eyes pierce through the mist*

Midna: I'm sensing a great evil force coming from it...

Yoxel: What are you, BEAST!

*The mist begins to take the shape of calamity Ganon* *It let's out a great roar*

Baga: *Claps her hands* *the ball reforms, trapping the mist within it* That is the wonder that I came to show you today.

Yoxel: What was that thing?

Baga: It is a great evil plaguing the land of light.

Midna: Thats impossible, Hyrule and all of the lands are protected by the spirits of the fountains and the goddess herself. Surely they wouldn't just allow something like that to happen.

Baga: Its evil is running rampant through the world of the light, but in another time.

Midna: ...what? How...why!?

Yoxel: I know what she means when she referred to Ganondorf.

Midna: Don't tell me that was him.

Yoxel: That's Exactly who it is....Seer, who else have you told of this knowledge?

Baga: I have been to the land of light to tell the others who posses the Goddess's blessing and the hierarchy of the Zora.

Midna: Wait, how did you get to the land of the light?

Baga: The mirror wasn't the only way to get to the land of light, your majesty. There are other ways out of the control of the command of the crown.

Yoxel: Fine then....Seer Baga Yaya, is this a future event?

Baga: I can only hope so that way I'd be long dead before it ever happens *cackles*

Yoxel: Heh old people humor....even so this is very concerning.

Midna: What are you going to do?

Yoxel: I'm going to sleep out the time and wait til it happens.

Midna: What!? You can't, you have a kingdom to run.

Yoxel: Thats why there are two of us. If something happens to one, the other takes over.

Midna: But..

Yoxel: No buts. Now I have a few request before I lay to rest for the necessary duration.

Midna: What?

Yoxel: I want all of my weapons and my mask scattered throughout all the land of light, I want a scribe to keep a play by play on what happens during my sleep which means you're going to have to appoint a man to a generational commitment, and lastly, I want The Sword of Kings hidden in a place where only I myself would find it.

Midna: Got it.

Yoxel: With that, I'll be making a trip to the land of light. I have the perfect place to rest.

Baga: I'll be taking my leave now.

Midna: Not so fast, I require your assistance for these task.

Baga: Sorry, your majesty, I'm just passing through hehe *poof*

Midna: Ah Damnit...*sigh* bring me Agairus.

Guard: Yes ma'am.

*In Hyrule field*

Yoxel: If there's one thing I regret in this life...its that I never married.

*birds chirping*

Yoxel: Well here we go...*chants*

*The boulder is lifted up revealing a passage*

Yoxel: Hmmm....*walks into the passage*

*Drops the boulder*

Agairus: Her majesty ordered me to document any occurrence that happens during your stasis. I will be traveling the land in the mean time.

Yoxel: I will be here for a long while, be sure to have a replacement should you fall.

Agairus: Of course, your Majesty.

*The inside of the cavern becomes covered in markings* *They connect to Yoxel's feet*

Yoxel: *chants*

Agairus: *Scribbles on the paper*


Agairus: *Continues scribbling*

*Yoxel is shown to be encased in a crystal capsule*

Agairus: Hmm, he said that there would be an exit for me...ah here it is. *moves a rock showing an opening outside of the cavern* now my mission begins. *places the rock back in its original position*

*Twili palace*

Midna: it done!?

Hyon: Yes, Milady, it is done. All of them have been scattered with the sword being placed at the hidden location. I made sure I wasn't followed when placing the sword.

Midna: Good...and...the mask?

Hyon: Buried beneath the ground in the place where the Damned are judged.

Midna: Good. You and your party have accomplished your tasks. You are dismissed.

Hyon: *bows*

Midna:....I hope you know what you're doing, brother, I'm not going to wait forever for a threat that may never come.




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