PART 9 - Babies

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I called Daniel back in to tell him the news.

Holly: babe, you can come back in now
Daniel: so what's wrong, nothing bad right?
Doctor: well it's if you think it's bad you can have your own opinion of it
Daniel: ok... so what is it
Holly: I-I'm pregnant
Daniel: omg really?
Holly: yeah
Daniel: that's amazing, I've always wanted to be a father
Holly: I've always wanted to be a mother.

I hugged Daniel tightly as I left the doctors. I got in the car and drove home, what will the boys think of this?

We arrived home where the boys were all on the sofa.

Holly: guys we have something to tell you.
Daniel: Zach you will like this
Zach: well what is it?
Corbyn: yeah tell us
Daniel: well Holly is...
Jonah: Holly is.... what?
Holly: pregnant!
Zach: wait what really!!???
Jack: that's amazing
Corbyn: this isn't a prank is it?
Daniel: no not this time, we just got back from the doctors
Holly: as you know I have been having morning sickness recently, it's because of that.
Jonah: how many months?
Holly: I am 4 months so only 5 to go
Jack: wait that makes us all uncles!!
Zach: and makes Daniel a dad!
Daniel: yeah *he smiled at me*
Corbyn: who wants to watch a movie?
Everyone: Meee!

We all sat down, me next to Daniel, jack and Zach next to each other then Jonah and Corbyn next to each other, and watched high school musical. After the films ended we all went to bed as it was late. I put on one of Daniels hoodies and decided not to put on my shorts today but I climbed into bed next to shirtless Daniel resting my head on his chest.

~few weeks later~
Today was my scan to find out the gender of the baby and I couldn't be more than excited. Me and Daniel got up early to stop off at chipotle on the way. We arrived at the hospital and checked in. I was quite big now so it was a bit harder to walk properly but I sat in the waiting room waiting to be called. After about 10 minutes my name was called and I followed the nurse to the room.

Doctor: so your finding out the genders today?
Holly: yes we a- wait genders??
Doctor: oh you weren't aware
Daniel: were having twins?!?
Doctors: not quite
Holly: triplets?!?
Doctor: nearly...
Holly and Daniel: QUADRUPLETS??!!
Doctor: yes
Holly: this is gonna be tough to handle 4 at the same time
Daniel: yeah but I guess we do have the boys to help
Holly: yeah
Doctor: ok so here as you can see is baby A which is... a girl!
Holly: aww a girl.
Daniel: this is so cute, the boys are gonna be shocked
Doctor: so here is baby B and it is... a boy!
Daniel: a little me running around
Holly: it's a boy and a girl that's cute.
Doctor: now the other two baby C is a... boy and baby D is a... girl
Holly: this is so cute 2 girls, 2 boys.
Daniel: I'm so happy.

We finished up at the hospital, happier than ever. 2 girls 2 boys!! The boys are gonna love looking after these. We arrived home to the boys gossiping in the kitchen

Jack: their back!
Jonah: how'd it go?
Corbyn: what's the gender?
Zach: is it a boy?
Daniel: guys calm down
Holly: we are having a girl!
Zach: oh a girl, YAY!
Daniel: wait Zach, boys There is something else you need to know.
Holly: we will need you help when raising them because we are actually having...
Daniel and Holly: 2 girls and 2 boys!!
All the boys: QUADRUPLETS!!???
Holly: you guys literally had the same reaction that we did.
Jack: that's a lot to handle
Corbyn: which is why they will need our help, did you not hear Holly?
Jack: oh no I did hear her just... idk
Jonah: this is great guys I cannot believe it
Zach: I am gonna cry, 2 baby Daniels and 2 baby hollys running around. CUTE!!!

We all calmed down after the announcement and went out to get ice cream. After ice cream we all went home and decided on some baby names.

Zach: How about Daniel jr for one of them
Jonah: how about Elliot
Jack: I like Sean
Corbyn: how about we ask the fans?
Daniel: yeah let's ask the fans!
Holly: this could also be a chance to tell them about the news.
Daniel: great idea that's Corbyn

Daniel went to twitter and posted the tweet "guys me and Holly have some amazing news but we need your help. Holly is pregnant with quadruplets, 2 boys, 2 girls. We need your help on deciding on names. Comment below!!!"
Loads of comments started flooding through with baby names which were so cute.

Daniel: for a girl there is: harmony, Naomi, Skye and melody.
Holly: I like harmony and melody.
All the boys: me too!
Daniel: ok for the boys there is: Charlie, Elliot, Anthony and Timothy.
Holly: I like Anthony and Timothy, what do you think?
All the boys: that's going to be soo cute.
Daniel: aww so we have Melody, Harmony, Timothy, Anthony. So cute.
Zach: I can't wait to be an uncle

We were happy with our choices and it was getting late so I went upstairs to get some sleep. Even if I tried to put on your shorts they wouldn't fit so I ended up just putting on one of Daniels hoodies, like always.

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