PART 8 - Surprise

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After about an hour of driving we arrived outside a small building. It didn't look like anything special but I followed Daniels rules of applying a blindfold, just like when me and daniel became official, following his voice. Daniel let go of my hands and told me to remove my blindfold. All at once a whole load of people began screaming surprise as tears fell from my eyes, in front me I saw someone I thought I'd never see again.
There stood Ella, ella was my best friend in pre school however she moved about 2 years of being best friends fur to the fact that her parents had jobs in Australia. After 10 years I had finally met up with my best friend again.

Ella: yes I am Holly, I have missed you so much
Holly: 10 years Ella 10 years, you didn't come back
Ella: I haven't had the time, Australia's is so far away from America, I couldn't possibly come here.
Holly: Ella I'm joking I have missed you so much I can't believe your back, how long are you here for?
Ella: how about you ask Daniel
Holly: Daniel?
Daniel: Ella is going to be here until your birthday next year!
Holly: a whole year, your kidding
Daniel: no im not, come here babe

I walked over to Daniel squeezing him tight, words could not explain how happy I was, Daniel was the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. I was crying in happiness so much I had pretty much soaked Daniels hoodie is tears.

The rest of the day we partied all night long, me, ella and the boys had a many drinks to make you drunk, the only person who didn't drink was Zach as he was too young, also someone needs to drive us home. After hours of partying we decided it was time to go home, we all got in the car Zach in the drivers jack riding shotgun Jonah and Corbyn in the middle whist me and Daniel were in the very back. It took a while to get home due to Zach's bad driving. We all went upstairs to fall to sleep however I wasn't tired. Suddenly I felt someone push me against the door kissing me passionately, I felt around to see that it was Daniel. Normally Daniels kisses were soft and gently but this was something different. It was like he was asking for something and I knew exactly what he was asking for. Daniel whispered "jump" through the kiss and tapping my thigh signalling for me to jump. I jumped so my weight was being supported by Daniel who took me over to the bed. He placed me down laying on top of me not breaking the kiss. After a while he began to remove his clothes starting with his top. After a few hours of doing you know what ;) daniel collapsed beside me. I was still drunk but I managed to get to sleep perfectly fine after getting dressed into my normal shorts and Daniels hoodie climbing into the bed. Daniel did the same pulling on his tracksuits laying next to me. I rested my head on his chest listening to his heart beating.

~few months later~
I woke up feeling sicker than ever. I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I heard Daniel rushing up the stairs behind me.

Daniel: Holly you alright?
Holly: yeah I just feel extremely sick today.
Daniel: well get in bed I'll bring you some water and I'll look after you all of today, I won't leave the house
Holly; thanks so much dani :)

Daniel stayed with me all of that day checking on me, holding my hair back when I was throwing up and bringing me a lot of water.

~couple weeks later~

The past weeks I haven't stopped throwing up, I thought that something must be wrong. Today it all stopped but I still decided to go to the doctor to see why I was constantly throwing up. Daniel came with me to make sure nothing is wrong.

Doctor: so what's wrong Holly?
Holly: well it's stopped now but over the last couple of weeks I haven't stopped being sick and I wanted to check to see if anything is wrong.
Doctor: ahh ok I see, wait here I'll be back in a minute
Holly: ok doc thank

The doctor left and I looked at Daniel worried

Holly: I really don't want it to be anything serious
Daniel: you'll be fine babe, I promise
Holly: thanks babe :)

The doctor walked in and asked to talk to me alone.

Doctor: Holly do you mind if I talk to you alone?
Holly: sure, Daniel can just wait out side
Doctor: yes please

Daniel left the room and the doctor told me the news

Doctor: so Holly have you done anything sexual these past fee months, preferably intercourse?
Holly: umm on my birthday I got a little drunk and a few things happened with Daniel, why what's wrong?
Doctor: nothings wrong, the thing is is that you have a baby growing inside of you!
Holly: A BABY?!

How do I tell Daniel this??

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