Part 17 - Gone

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~a few hours later~
(Hollys P.O.V)
I woke up to all the boys standing in my room heads facing the floor. They looked really upset...

Holly: Hey boys?
Daniel: your awake!

He came running towards me hugging me tightly. The other boys smiled as they slowly walked over to me. I had to ask what was wrong, something didn't seem right.

Holly: boys... what's wrong?
Jonah: well your mum popped by...
Holly: really? Can I see her?
Corbyn: yeah but there's something she wanted us to tell you...
Holly: is she ok?!
Zach: she's fine but she won't be here for much longer...
Holly: what do you mean?
Jack: you lost too much blood and there was only one way to survive, you have someone else's blood put into you.
Holly: she didn't
Daniel: Holly we're really sorry, but she did, she said for us to tell you that she really loves you and she did this for you cause she knows how much you mean to me and our children.

I start to tear up. I just wanted to see her one last time before she goes.

Holly: can I see her? Please? I want to tell her I love you and say one last goodbye

The doctor came rushing in.

Doctor: we have some bad news guys. Oh Holly your awake, did they tell you?
Holly: yeah, can I see her? I want to say goodbye and tell her I love her and always will
Doctor: well I sorry to say this but Holly... she's already gone...
Holly: what? No this can't be happening!
Doctor: I'm sorry Holly.
Holly: I didn't even get to say goodbye...
Doctor: she has another message for you

The doctor hands me a note and I read it out loud.


Dear Holly,

I'm sorry you have to see me go and I'm sorry I had to go but I just want you to know one thing. I was getting old anyway and you were only young. I did this for you. Because you meant the world to me I had to do it. Please take care of yourself and make sure the boys do too. You have 4 amazing children: melody, harmony, Timothy and Anthony who are also very young and I couldn't imagine what it would be like for them to grow up without a mum like you. Also you have daniel, I'm not going to lie at first I thought Daniel wouldn't be the one for you but over time I knew he cared for you that he would do anything for you. When he proposed I couldn't be happier knowing my baby would be happy. I wish I was there for you on your special day where you'd be able to physically see me but even if I aren't I want you know that I'll always be there. In your blood, in your heart. Making sure your ok. I'll always be there. One last thing. The boys, I want to say a massive thank you to all of them. When I wasn't around they were doing their best to keep you safe. Everything they said to you they meant and I could tell. They are probably the nicest boys I know and for them to be your best friends I am happy for you. They take care of you when you can't take care of yourself and always making you smile. All a mum wants to see is her daughter happy. Once she knows her daughters happy she knows she can be happy. So just know that if your smiling I'll be smiling with you. I love you so much Holly, thanks so much Daniel, jack, Jonah, Zach and Corbyn kept taking care of her I love you guys too.
From Mum :)

I burst into tears. I never realised how much my mum cared for me even when I wasn't by her side. I looked up to see the boys crying too. I hadn't seen the boys cry before but this moment was just so sad but heart warming. I folded the letter back up and put it on the desk with my phone. I sat up, wincing in pain, burying my head in my hands- crying, crying. I felt arms wrap around me followed by more and more. The boys were hugging me to tell me everything will be ok. No one said anything but everyone knew that we were going to be ok.

Holly: can I see my babies?
Daniel: sure, here

Daniel lifted our children onto the bed and they all crawled over to me hugging me. It made me cry knowing how lucky I was to have 4 amazing children. An amazing fiancé. 4 of the best best friends ever. And a mum who gave up her life, for me.

She may be gone and I may not ever see her again but I know wherever I am she is.

I looked up and put me hands to my heart. I gently said 6 words which I meant deeply.
"Wherever I go, I'm taking you"
(Pretend that wdw have come out with every song they have made up to trust fund baby except taking you cause it fits in with the next part of the story)

Corbyn: Song idea!
Zach: what?
Jack: what are you talking about
Corbyn: Holly thank you so much, I know this moment is supposed to be sentimental but you just gave me the best song idea ever.
Jonah: all she said was 'wherever I go, I'm taking you'
Daniel: oh I get it, we're gonna make a song dedicated to Hollys mum to tell her she's always going to be with us wherever we go.
Corbyn: exactly!
Holly: well your welcome

Today I learnt that I had the most amazing people surrounding me ever and wherever I go, Mum is always going to be there.

A/N: NOT THE END OF THE BOOK!!! Also thanks for 100+ reads :)

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