Part 19 - disaster

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We arrived back home and I went strait in the shower, I washed my hair and my body then stepped out slipping on one of Daniels hoodies and my pyjama shorts. Daniel then went and go in the shower and I dried my hair tying it back in two Dutch braids.
Daniel finished in the shower washing his hair and body too stepping out slipping on his tracksuit bottoms. Me and Daniel had to be silent due to the boys already asleep and the children asleep as well. Daniel hopped in bed looking through his Instagram for a bit liking fan edits of us whilst I finished up braiding my hair hopping in bed beside him.
Daniel turns of his phone placing it on the bedside table and pulled me closed to him. I rested my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. Soft, gentle, steady heartbeat able to make me drift to sleep in seconds. Then I heard him whisper.

Daniel: am I ever gonna get my hoodies back
Holly: nope *i giggled*
Daniel: your lucky I love you

I rested my right hand on his abs feeling every one of them whilst I drifted to sleep. Daniel had his arm around me so I knew I was safe. Daniel fell asleep too and we had a peaceful sleep until we were woken up by crying children at about 2 in the morning.
Daniel and I woke up immediately and ran to jack and Zach's room to see them awake to but harmony and Anthony were awake just looking around aimlessly and that's when we heard Corbyn and Jonah scream for us.

Jonah: DANEIL!!!
Corbyn: HOLLY!!!

Me and Daniel rushed to their room with jack Zach Anthony and harmony following behind.

Daniel: what happened?!?
Jonah: Melody fell out of her cot and hit her head so hard, we need an ambulance!!!
Holly: jack can you call an ambulance! How did she fall out?!?
Corbyn: we don't know, we just heard a thud then melody crying and blood on the floor
Holly: my baby, please can I have her I need to see if she's ok!!!
Daniel: jack what did the hospital say?
Jack: an ambulance is on its way

I was freaking out by now, blood was everywhere I was holding Melody tight in my arms Daniel hugging her tightly too. The ambulance would take about 10 minutes to reach the house and I was so scared. She was losing so much blood, daniels hoodie was covered in it, Corbyn shirt, daniels joggers it was everywhere.
The ambulance arrived rushing upstairs, everyone had to leave the premises except for me and Daniel as it was our daughter but we weren't allowed to go near her until she was in the ambulance.
The paramedics wrapped Melody's head in a bandaid so less blood was escaping. Daniel was hugging me in the corner of the room as I was crying hysterically, I couldn't lose another member of my family, not again. The paramedics came and asked us if we knew what happened but we had no idea, they then asked us if we have cameras set up in the house in which we did. They then asked us if we could stay at home to look through the footage but I couldn't, I couldn't leave Melody.

Paramedic: can you please stay at home and look through the footage
Holly: I can't leave Melody!!!
Paramedic: you won't be able to see her in like an hour or so cause she needs to be sorted out
Daniel: Holly, they will call us and we will leave straight away
Holly: fine but please make sure she's ok
Paramedic: we will

The ambulance sirens went off and they rushed back to the hospital, me and Daniel told the boys what we needed to do so we all sat around the computer to look at the footage. At about 3 in the morning there was movement coming from the back door, then someone walked in, it was unclear who it was but they got in by an open window.

Zach: from now on we lock all windows
Jonah: I agree but who is it?
Daniel: well only find out if we continue watching
Holly: I recognise him a bit
Corbyn: let's continue watching

The suspect continued through the house heading towards the stairs, they passed all rooms heading straight to Corbyns and Jonah's. The had left their door open that night to keep the room cool but the suspect walked straight in. They went over to Melody's cot. They released the latch that lets down the front part of the cot for easy access to get the child out and just left the room. On the way out though they turned to where you could see there face.

Holly: there's only one person I know who looks like that.
Daniel: please no it's not...
Corbyn: maybe it's...
Jack: or it possibly is...
Jonah: it could be...
Zach: don't say that it's...
Everyone: David...
Jonah: but then how was the latch back in place after he put it down?
Zach: only one way to find out

We continue watching as we see melody roll over falling out of the cot and the latch go back up as pressure was applied to it clipping back in place.

Holly: now we know who did it, what they did and now we only have one thing to wait for
Daniel: the phone call to see if Melody's alright
Corbyn: then we'll go to the police station with evidence

*ring ring*

Jack: speaking of phone call

Daniel picked up the phone and signalled for us to get ready to go to the hospital.
And then we were off.

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