chapter twenty six

Start from the beginning

Soon, our principal gracefully walked up the stage stairs, her short bob cut dancing in the wind. "Before we begin our ceremony, I'd like to welcome our class valedictorian, Ayla Gray Santos, up to the stage to present her speech. Ayla?" Smiling, I slowly arose from my seat, Daniel gave me a thumbs up and wink as I trotted towards the stage. I glanced down at the paper I had typed into my laptop on the plane ride here. Beginning to recite each word.

"Hey guys. So, I'd like to start off saying; We made it!" With that, several of my classmates clapped, cheering for the rest of my speech. Grinning, I continued.

"Today, we are recognizing the booger-picking strangers from kindergarten that soon became our loving, caring, best friends.The people who we've hated and loved since the first day we met them. The kids who we watched grow up. Kids who made bad decisions. Kids who have been kind souls since the beginning. Kids who were born to be known to the world. Today, we say our goodbye to our classmates whom we once promised we'd never leave. We're moving on from our high school dramas and fantasies and onto the real world. Where we will be sure to face real problems. We all have the ability to go out and do something in this world. And I promise you, that if you truly believe you can do it and you work your hardest for it, you will. Trust me. I used to believe that I couldn't make it in the music industry. Someone turned me down and I thought it was the end of that. I put my love for music aside and focused on more important things like school. But secretly, I'd still practice my guitar. I'd still write music and dream of what would happen if I could really accomplish my goal. It was my little secret. Now, the right people," I locked eyes with Daniel, "helped me realize that I could do anything I set my mind to. I didn't think I had enough talent, but there were people right of front of me, screaming, "You're an idiot. You know why? Because you have a gift and you won't go use it." I mean, look where it's gotten me. Next week, The producers of The Voice are letting me know whether or not I can be on the show. Sometimes we really have to take risks and see where they lead us. The point is, you're all capable of doing what you love. You just have to work for it. I know each and every one of you can do whatever your hearts desire. We've been here for each other since the start. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us all. I know some of us will never speak to each other again. Others may keep in touch but soon drift apart. But there will also be some of us that will never let go of each other. Some of us will really do anything we can to stay together. No matter what the world throws at us. Some things were meant to be. And what matters is: we all knew each other at one point. Whether it was a quick glance in the hallways or a full on relationship, we will never forget this class. We will never forget each other. One day, we'll look back into an old yearbook and show our kids what we were like. You'll point at someone and immediately recall an entire story. "Oh, Jack Avery is a worldwide musician." and "Oh my gosh, I remember Maya, she's a model now." Of course not all of us will be know around the globe. But we don't need to be. Sometimes it's just a "Spencer Matthews? He wasn't really popular, but I can tell you, he had the softest heart and the brightest eyes," "Emily Love was one of the most stunning poet I'd ever heard, I wonder where she is today." Because all these memories that we made together are finally  gonna mean something to us. Even though they should've the entire time.
Thank you all for being the people I have been given the chance to grow with. I couldn't ask for a better class. I know we can change the world with our minds and we will. After all, this is only the beginning. Thank you."

Getting a standing ovation, I just smiled my way back to my seat next to Daniel. "Ayla, that was amazing." He gave me a peck on the cheek as my classmates from in front and behind me congratulated me. It felt great. That feeling. Then I just sat there, whispering with Daniel. Awaiting for us to fully become high school graduates.

"Now, let us begin students..."


"Jack Avery." Jacks curls flew up as he bounced up the stage with pride. He wasn't the brightest flower in the field, so he was very ecstatic about graduating. As he walked up there, he looked out into the crowd, seeing Ava, Isla and Sydnie wildly cheering for him, along with his mother who had made a poster that read, 'You did it, Jack!' I could see him hold back a tear of joy as he accepted his diploma.

Before he walked off, he did a quick dab, earning a laugh from all the families.

"Corbyn Besson." Corbs giddily trotted his way up there, looking back at Christina who was holding her hands by her heart. He politely shook hands and took his diploma, he threw his arms up and mouthed, 'Yes!' followed by Ashley's and Jordan's shouts. Suddenly as he walked off, Christina screamed, "That's my fucking boyfriend!! Whooo!!" I swear, Corbyn couldn't stop smiling. Echoes from the crowd, bursting with laughter.

"Jonah Frantzich," He didn't seem excited, he just casually walked up there, looking up at his parents, Svea and Esther. They were too shy to cheer, so Daniel, Christina, Maya and the boys did it for him as part of my plan, "Woohoo! Go Jonah!" He smiled, at us. I did see him glance my way, then quickly ignore it. I finally heard Esther call a very loud "Whoop!"

Once he walked off, he just gave the class a sly grin and held his diploma up in the air.

"Zachary Herron," Zach having no filter, sprinted up to the principal, jaw open with happiness but slowed down so he could shake her hand and bring her into a hug. She smiled at him, giving him his slip. Ryan and Reese were screaming at the top of their lungs. So were Myta and Maya, he smirked and screamed 'Wayhoo!!!' before running off and back to his seat.

"Maya Rose," She walked up like a boss. Her parents hollering for her. I screamed, "YES THAS MY BFF GO MAYA!!" And she looked back and held a peace sign for us to see. As she walked back, Zach shouted, "That's my girl!"

"Ayla Santos," I took a deep breath and listened to Dad and Carter shout, "Go Ayla!" for me. Maya shouted, "THATS MY BEST FRIEND BITCHES!" Christina and Daniels screams followed. Relaxing, I grinned ear to ear as I glanced back at Daniel whose eyes were bright and full.

"Congratulations, Miss Santos, I can't wait to see what your future holds," Mrs. Lilies, our principal, informed me as she shook my hand. Handing me my diploma, I began making my way off. When I stopped. I threw one hand in the air and 'Whooed' at the very top of my lungs. Everyone cheered as I made my way back to my seat.

Then there was Daniel. "Daniel Seavey," He softly grabbed my face and planted a kiss on my lips before jogging up and shaking and receiving his diploma. Anna, Tyler and Chris all whooping along with Jeff and Keri. He happily jumped in the air, "High School Musical Style" and jogged off.

I didn't stop cheering until he got to his seat, where I hugged him tight.

After a few more names, Mrs. Lilies finally announced, "Alright, you may now flip your tassels. Now, congratulations to the class of 2018!"

There was a massive wave of purple caps flying, along with Daniel picking me up and kissing me passionately. Maya and Zach and Corbyn and Christina made their way to each other and did the same. It was a great time. Jonah caught my eye though. He was glaring at us. Then smiled.

"Are you ready for the dinner?" Daniel asked as we tried finding our parents. I nodded assuringly when I spotted Carter and he started running towards me leaping into my arms. I thought it was of joy but he seemed terrified. Then I saw her.


ha. i'm back.


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