6• Pianissimo

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Two days passed and I could finally convince my parents to let me train and have piano classes again, if not school classes.

I hadn't gone to school or anywhere else for two days and I felt really bored. That's why I hated getting sick; there was nothing to do but to study indoors or practice. But they wouldn't let me practice more than two or three hours a day; my parents were the panicky kind, even though they never got to see me too much, they still forced all the maids to follow their orders concerning me.

I looked boredly at the white and black row of keys. "Even you can't cheer me up right now," I spoke to my piano. I actually felt much better, thanks to a lot of rest, medicine and soup. And if I stayed in my room for more than that I was sure I would get sick again.

I got up, deciding to sneak out of my room and try to find my way to the gardens. That might make me feel better.

I reached my doorknob with my fingers trembling. I've never done something like that before but I managed to sum up my courage and opened the door, peeking out to see if it was clear for me to leave. I guess it was the maids' break time so I was lucky.

I snuck through the hallways carefully, finally reaching the main door and going out, feeling the rush of the cold wind against my face.

Crap, I forgot to get a jacket or a sweater, I thought to my self, smacking my head at my silliness.

I shivered as I walked towards the rose bushes we had; they were colorful and too many; red, peachy colored, pink, yellow, even purple, and white. White was my favorite color of roses. It just felt so pure and relaxing.

I walked towards the white roses and reached to grab one but my whole body shivered at the sudden cool breeze. I was only wearing a blouse and I didn't want to get sick again. But I couldn't go back inside now.

So, I just tried to enjoy my time but the stupid wind went harsher. And I trembled really bad.

I gasped as I suddenly felt a heavy coat wrap around me from behind and turned to see Yoongi.

"Thanks," I smiled to him. But he didn't return the smile.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" He looked annoyed.

"No, I feel much better now and I can go outside. Why did you come anyway?"

"Its already three o'clock."

"Oh," I completely forgot about the class and I just didn't want to go inside yet.

I looked over at Yoongi in despair and asked,"but, but...can't I just delay the class a little? Please, I just got to go outside and I won't be able to get out if I go back now."

"So, you're disobeying??" He looked at me with a slight shock on his face.

I blushed a little, feeling ashamed at myself and looked down,"I just...can't stand staying in there alone. I feel sicker in there."

He looked at me angrily and opened his mouth to say something but closed it again and went silent, thinking.

"Well, okay," he said. "We can start class half an hour from now. But you can't walk around alone."

My fresh smile already faded,"why not?"

"Because you might feel dizzy again."


"Or I could just tell the maids to help you get in-"

"No, no! Okay, okay, okay!" I said, then sighed at him.

He only chuckled at me and said, "okay, half an hour only, starting from now."

I looked at him in annoyance,"but you're making me nervous by saying that."

He only shrugged with a small smile while I sighed and started picking some flowers. Then I smelled them while closing my eyes, inhaling the smell of the roses in my hands.

I opened my eyes to see Yoongi staring at me.

"What?" I asked in puzzlement.

He shrugged again, not taking his eyes off me,"beautiful." Was all he said before walking a few steps away, leaving me wondering what he meant. So, he liked roses?

I shook that thought off and looked at the swing that was my favorite place in the garden. I walked over there and happily sat there. It was a large swing that fit for two or three people. But I always sat there alone since I was a child.

Yoongi came over and, to my surprise, sat beside me. I looked at him in shock and asked,"just what is wrong with you today?"

He looked down at his feet while slightly making the swing move. Then answered,"I haven't sat on a swing for a long while, and this fits for three. You must be a pretty big family."

I shook my head,"I'm the only one."

He looked at me in shock,"oh,"

"You have any siblings?"

"Just a brother. But he's older than me."

I nodded. Then it all went silent. I didn't know what else to say. Its not like I had the opportunity to speak to many people before.

But it was a comforting silence. Just like the soft, calm piano music.

The wind became harsher and colder. And I felt bad for seeing Yoongi wearing only a shirt in this cold weather. So I put on him his jacket. But he looked at me with his brows furrowed.

"You'll get cold," he said to me while taking off his jacket again.

"But.." I didn't understand why he turned really gentle suddenly.

"If you don't put it on, then I'll force you to get in," he put the jacket on me again.

I bit my bottom lip and looked down. What if he got cold and felt really sick because of me? Why was I feeling bad for him like that? Even though it was something simple, I didn't want him to get hurt in anyway.

Stupid, right?

I let out a sigh and said while getting up,"you don't need to force me."

He looked at me in wonder.

"Inside is much warmer. Let's get in and start the class."

He looked over at his watch,"but.."

"Come on," I pulled his hand and forced him to get up while his eyebrows rose, reaching his bangs.

I left his hand after realizing what I was doing and turned to the entrance, hiding the embarrassed blush on my face before getting inside, followed by my piano tutor.

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