It had unfortunately been a males voice that had spoken up and that had me left with mortification. It was horrible, not only had I been recently touched by the most foulest man in the many seas but the one time I had ever fantasized about a gorgeous women and 'her' entrancing eyes, it had been a male.

I had allowed his question to hang in the funny smelling air as I had turned my face in the other direction because now other things had begun to surface in my mind that were disturbing me more than Captain Axel Dieters existence. As for the throb, it had found its way home, as my head had begun throbbing once again. 

And just to add a spanner into the works, not too soon after, said devil had himself entered into the scene. As he entered further into the room, with a quick distasteful glare at the large alloy box, a flood of sunlight suddenly breathed the once morbidly dark room to life, as well as the man's azure eyes in the alloy box. 

With the rush of sudden light available, I had my first chance to see Captain Axel Dieter's features. His hair was ink black, styled out of his face, except for the one strand hanging over his left eye which was nearly as emerald as the gem. He wore a leather over coat that complimented his figure, as well as a loosely hung shirt and baggy black pants paired with tall leather boots. I had to admit, he was rather good looking, which immediately explained his arrogance.

He waltzed casually over to my cell, whilst making sure to exaggerate his pace, his emerald eyes never leaving mine. At this point, I had never felt so many eyes on me all at once, it felt as though I had become the center of two universes as pairs of azure and emerald clung to me. Both pairs were just as beautiful as each other, but when they both looked at me, I felt as though I had seen them a thousand times in many lifetimes. It was a strange thought to have for two strangers that you had just glimpsed for the first time. 

After coming to a full stop and positioning himself in front of the cell, whilst noticeably blocking my view from the slit in the alloy box, he suddenly had both his hands latch onto the bars of the cell that I was trapped within. His eyes clinging to me as a leach would to a host.

"Your a boy" He sneered, revealing his white teeth, I felt the security suddenly abandon my body and become replaced with immediate nausea; that's it. I was done for on a stinky pirate infested ship. "Your done for Lad." Captain Axel Dieter stated bitterly. My breath hitched at his remark, as I had then tried to swallow the sudden bile in my throat that refused to disappear. He then unleashed a set of keys from his belt as he leaned casually against the wall of bars, releasing his breath obnoxiously, as he had begun twirling the keys around his index finger.

I had begun to sweat as trembling dread begun to consume my insides, the way that he looked so casual and relaxed, it was making my skin crawl. But before I could plead for mercy like the pathetic excuse of a human I was, the Captain stopped boredly playing with the keys, and stared into the unknown with a hard look on his face.

"It'll take us days to get back to Lilydale" he stated as his head snapped toward myself making me gulp as he unleashed a feigned smile "You got any better ideas other than walking the plank?" He offered as if there were a choice, but I took that challenge as my final chance. I stared at the ground for a while trying to come up with other ways he could get the money... A job?

"Me thinks not." He then dropped his feigned smile and placed the keys back onto the clip on his belt without unlocking the door and before I had a chance to raise the point, he opened the cells door. My face drained itself of color as the unpleasant realization that the door had been unlocked the whole time emerged.

"Come on, lets make it quick" Captain Axel Dieter muttered dryly.

"Wait! Please no, I'll consider other options!" I begged. He disregarded my plea and nonchalantly walked toward the cell, roughly tugging me from the security of the barred walls. I wriggled and bounced in his firm grasp, momentarily catching a glimpse of humored azure eyes, that was until Captain Axel Dieter came into the picture and blocked the up close phenomenon. 

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