Chapter 33

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Camila's P.O.V.

I woke up to an extremely bad headache.

I looked around to see where I was because I began to panic.I saw Austin next to me and I felt calm.

I looked around my body only to see bruises and dried up cuts.

Memories started flashing in my head. I felt disgusted and got up to shower.

I closed the door and took my clothes off. I looked in the mirror only to see a girl with cuts everywhere. I had a bruise on my face.

I smiled to hide y frown. I turned the water on making it decently hot.

I stepped in and washed my face gently. I washed my hair and just tried to relax my body as much as I could. The pain was horrible but I don't want to think about it.

After I showered I threw some clothes on and combed my hair.

I looked at Austin and he was sound asleep. His face did look tired. I'm so glad he saved me yesterday. I can't imagine what would've happened if he wasn't there.

I stepped out of the room and nobody was to be seen. I grabbed an apple and sat on the couch.

I checked my phone which I haven't done in forever.

Camila where the hell are you!

Camila answer me!

Camila you have me worried to death please answer me!

Camila please!

My mom sent me lots of texts.

I decided its finally time to answer.

But maybe I should ask Austin first.

I looked around and still nobody was awake.


I decided to watch TV.

I turned it on and watched Camp Rock.

I was watching and was on twitter at the same time. My timeline is dead.

After a while I got into the movie.I then felt something kiss my cheek. It was Austin.

"Hey sleeping beauty!" I said.

"Hey cutie with a big booty!" He said.

"My butt isn't that big!"I said.

He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Anyway...I need to ask you something."I said.

He sat next to me.

"I don't know if I should text my mom back.She seems deeply worried and I want her to know I'm fine what do I do?"I asked.

"Text her.Don't say a lot though.Just say you're fine and she doesn't need to come look for you.I think that's enough."Austin said.

I nodded and texted her with his exact words.

I looked at him and smiled.

He looked confused.

"Thank you."I said in a low voice.

"Thank you for saving me last night."I said and hugged him.

"Well you know I'd do anything for you."He said hugging me back.

"I just wish I was with you the whole time.None of this would've ever happened. that's should've been me in that house with all those bruises and cuts."He said.

"Austin, just forget about yesterday.Its the past now.Let's just be happy we're together again and that I'm alive." I said.

I kissed his cheek and he looked down.

"Now,what do you want for breakfast?" I asked.

"Whatever you want to make."He said.

"Gee thanks for being specific." I said.

I decided to make pancakes,eggs, and bacon.I mean I don't know what to do. I see these types of breakfasts on TV all the time so..

I even made fruit salad. My mom taught me when I was fifteen. When I was finished, by that time everyone was awake and they all ate.

Austin ate then he took me and him to the room.

"I'm glad I know you cook, now I know who to go to when I'm hungry."He said.

"In your dreams."I said.

"What do you want to do today?"He asked.

"Judging by the fact that I can't do much because of the injuries, can we watch movies?'"I asked.

He nodded and asked "What do you want to watch?"

"Um.. You pick."I said.

"Gee thanks for being specific."He said mimicking me.

He put Anchorman on.

"You weren't specific so blame yourself if you don't want to watch this."He said.

"Ok captain obvious."I said.

We stayed in bed all day and ordered pizza and ate our butts off.

I felt very comfortable in his arms.

I could literally stay here all day and his scent was just mesmerizing.


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Follow me on twitter if you want @Ameezy5H

Btw did you guys see Austin in the baseball outfit. If he played baseball he'd literally be the best looking player ever. Lol ok bye (:


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