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Guys! I have an idea to show off your creative talents! I know, this sounds super dumb and very stupid, but I wanna hold a fan art contest!

I know. I know. I'm not famous in ANY way, and I don't deserve this, but I'm kinda toying with a few ideas for some art for these characters.

And I want some inspiration from you guys! I don't deserve any of these reads (thanks for those btw) and I totally don't deserve any of the fan art. You guys have made me more confident in my writing ability.

This isn't a contest, and I hope you don't see it that way. If you do decide to make some art, send it to my Twitter and I'll put them at the end of the next chapter.

I'm super grateful for you guys, and I hope you can help me once again and inspire this weird and crazy brain of mine.

If you don't wanna make any art, you don't have to. I'm not gonna force you. How could I? I really really really hope that this goes well! See ya!

Twitter: @HearthstoneKai

And if you wanna you can follow me (please I'm desperate😭)

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