Twenty-Four: Pain

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I watch in silence as they drag another helpless Alpha to the Playroom. That's what they call it. It's a game to them. Been here for almost a month. Feels like years...

"Doctor, sooner or later they'll find out what we're doing here. We have to put down the defiant ones and leave the other subjects!" I perk up, overhearing the conversation.

"No! I won't waste valuable flesh! We need them!" I roll my eyes. Doctor Alexandria Harper. Stubborn as a mule, quick as a fox, and a complete psychopath.

"Get 427 ready. He's going into more drastic treatment today." I look down. Harper is pointing up. I look next to me. My number is 426. Didn't realize I had a new neighbor.

Jesus Christ. He's just a kid. No older than... No older than my daughter.

Beaten, bloodied, bruised. He looks so scared.

The cells are placed a little funny. They're just stacked on top of one another. The only way to get down is the door in the back wall. They're tiny as hell too. No room to lay down, or stand up. Always sitting. Never moving, unless your told to.

"Fuck off, Harper! He's just a fucking kid!" I yell back. The anger on her face, let's me know that I'll be the one taking the 'treatment'.

"Get him out of there. I'll be doing the tests today."
"Trying to off yourself again, Kai?" I smirk as Harper taps the fresh wounds on my wrists.

"Maybe. What's it to ya?" She chuckles coldly.

"That's the first sign of breaking, you know. Soon, you'll be begging me to take you into the Playroom." She raises an eyebrow at me.

"I'd rather die than be some pet to you. You damn humans have no respect for us wolves!" Harpers hand flies and strikes my cheek.

"Easy now, puppy. Wouldn't want my hand to slip, now would we?"
"Damn, dude. She really did you in..." I sigh and take a drink of the piss water that they gave me.

Mike is my only friend in here. He's a colored guy. Tall and handsome. I'm surprised he doesn't have a mate. He seems like an amazing guy.

"Could've been worse. Could be in the Playroom." He shrugs and hands me half a piece of burnt bread. "God... The first thing I'm doing when I get out, is getting some real food."

Mike laughs and nudges me. "I'll buy then. You sure that woman of yours is tryin to get your sorry ass outta here?"

I sigh and look out the window to my left. "I sure as Hell hope so."
"Good morning~" I groan and open my eyes.

My mate is sitting next to me in the bed, a loving smile on her face. "Nova?" I mumble, confused.

"Hey sleepyhead. It's almost noon." I shake my head and sit up.

"You won't believe the dream I just had..." I hold my head and chuckle. Nova smiles and lays her hand on my cheek.

"We can talk about that later. C'mon. I have something to show you." Nova leads me out into the hallway. It's eerily quiet.

"Where is everyone?"

"Sh. You'll ruin the surprise." Nova silences me. I follow her, concerned, but even more confused. That dream felt so... real.

We reach the living room. Still, no one. "Nova, your scaring me. What's going on?"

She turns towards me, an evil grin on her face. "Don't you remember? You left me. You killed yourself. You left your children without a father. Now look!" She shoves me towards the window. I didn't know she was that strong!

I choke up at why I see outside. Bodies litter the ground. Eyes gouged from their sockets. Limbs torn clean off. My children hanging from a tree with a rope around their necks. In their arms is a sign that says: "I'm sorry".

Everything goes black. Then I'm surrounded in a huge empty room. Everyone I've lost from the pack. Mother. Father. Cara. Brice. My Warriors. My friends.

They're taunting me. Pushing me. Clawing at me. "Save us!" They keep crying out, but I can't move.

"Stop! Please make it stop!!!"

"Oh, it can stop. You know what you have to do to get out of this nightmare!" Nova is in front of me now, knife in hand.

"You seem to get everyone you love killed or hurt! So. DO IT!!!"
"Simulation stopped. I'm sorry, Dr. Harper." I pant heavily and go limp in the medical chair.

They use these things for psych patients. Straps to hold you down.

"Very interesting, Kai. Seems that you carry the weight of the dead. And that weight is a bit too much." Harper taps my cheek with her pen.

I growl and struggle against my bonds.

"There is no escape. The only way this'll stop, is if you cooperate. Then, we can Play." I roll my eyes and stare up at the stark white ceiling.

"No? OK." Harper grabs her clipboard and leaves the room.

A few of her assistants untie me and drag me back to my cell. After that whole ordeal, I'm exhausted.

"No food tonight. No water. Sleep and shut the fuck up, dog." I grunt as they toss me into the cell.

I lean against the bars and close my eyes. Nova... Hurry...
"Test 457. Pain. Let's see how much you can take before you cave, Mr. Hearthstone."

I stare blankly at the ceiling. I'm too exhausted to fight anymore.

"What? No snarky comment? No growl?" Harper teases and tightens my straps. "Have you finally given up?" I close my eyes. "Good. Good. Now, we can have some fun."

"On the contrary. Your under arrest." My eyes snap open as an unfamiliar man speaks up.

I look up. A couple dozen men are standing at the door, guns aimed at Harper.

"No. NO! I'm not done!" She glares over at me. I smile and start laughing.

Finally. This nightmare is over. "Daddy?" I look around. I thought I heard-

"Jasmine." My daughter pushes past the officers and runs to my side.


She undoes one of my arms and hugs me. I hold her by the shoulders, sobbing.

"I missed you..." I mumble into her hair. I unstrap the rest of my limbs and pull Jasmine into my arms.

The pain I feel is numbed by the joy I feel in my chest.

"I told you we'd come for you, Daddy!" I smile, tears staining my lips.

"I know. I know. Let's go home munchkin."

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