Twenty-Two: Vacation

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(This chapter isn't important to the plot. Just a small filler about how the normal days go for Kai and his pack)

"Everyone packed?" Nova asks as she walks into our bedroom.

"Yep. Jasmine has everything and so does-"


"Sebastian." I head into the nursery and grab my wailing son. He's only a few months old, so when he wakes up it's like some one is actually murdering him.

He keeps crying as I walk him around the room, humming and patting his back.

He calms down and I check his diaper. Clean, thank the heavens, he's probably hungry.

I take Sebastian to Nova and she sits in her rocking chair to feed him.

"Are we leaving yet?" Jasmine whines, poking her head in the door.

"Not quite. Mom's gotta feed Sebastian then we can go." I kiss my daughter's head and leave to check on Nick one final time.

I'm leaving him in charge. He'll be acting Alpha while my family and I are in Maine.

I knock on his office door. I hear him grumble and his chair squeak against the tile.

The door swings open. Nick is glaring at me. "Yes, mother?" He teases. I roll my eyes.

"We're just about to leave. Came to check if you have all the paperwork." Nick gestures to his desk. A giant stack is sitting right in the middle of it. "Look, I'm sorry to leave you with all this.-"

"Don't worry about it. I got it covered until you get back. Please, just let me work without checking on me every ten minutes." I chuckle.

"Alright. See ya, Nick."

"Have fun, Alpha."
"Are we there yet?" Jasmine complains for the 30th time today. I sigh and lay my chin on the cars steering wheel.

"Not yet sweety. It'll take us a day or two to get there. Kai, did you get the hotel room reserved?" My wife asks.

I nod and lean back in my seat. My shoulders are starting to hurt. My calf aches from having to change speeds so much and my butt feels like it's glued to the seat.

I'm tired...

"OK. Just checking." We all go quiet again. I check my rearview mirror. Jasmine is staring out the window, watching the scenery go by. Sebastian is sound asleep in his car seat.

I slam on my brakes, my heart jumping into my throat when a car suddenly swerves into my lane. No turn signal, no warning. Idiot.

I honk at the person and try to calm down Nova.

She's yelling at the person. This is why I don't let her drive. Road rage.

"Nova. Your going to wake the baby." My mate huffs and crosses her arms.

"Dumb fucking piece of-"

"OK~ new subject. How much further until we reach the next gas stop?" I interrupt Nova.

She glares at me, but answers. "A few miles up the road. There, I can change Sebastian and feed him. You can fuel up-"

"And I can go potty!" I chuckle at my little ones sudden enthusiasm.

"Yes. That you need to do." Nova smiles at the fact that Jasmine remembered. Last time we took her somewhere, she didn't tell us she needed to pee, so she went in the car.

We don't leave the territory much...
"Mama... I'm sleepy..." My daughter yawns as we head through the next town. The sun went down a while ago.

"OK. We'll stop here for the night. Hush now." Nova reaches back and pats Jasmine's knee.

We find the nearest motel and get a room for the night. We unload the car and do one last check on the baby before laying him down in the portable crib.

Jasmine and Nova shower together, while I try to figure out the best route for the journey tomorrow.

I lay on the bed and stretch out. I showered before I left, so I won't take one tonight. Need to brush my teeth though.

My aching muscles finally relax and I close my eyes. Last time I checked it was about 11:30. I'm exhausted.

My heart skips a beat when a body lays on top of mine.

"Can't sleep yet, Daddy." I chuckle and open my eyes. "You have to brush your teeth." I chuckle and sit up.

Nova is just blow drying her hair. I slip into the bathroom and start the brushing.

"You know. We need to get out more." I chuckle and kiss Nova when we're both done.

"That, I can agree with."
"Welcome to Branns Pond Dam! Pamphlets are at the register!" The woman's smile at the front desk is almost too sickly sweet.

"C'mon... I know you'll like this place. While my parents are watching the kids, let's get some alone time." Nova nudges me as I begrudgingly follow the tour group.

"This dam was crafted in 1834 by this towns founder, William Brann. It has stood here since, with some adjustments of course. We'll take you down to the main engine turbines today, but remember, if you have children, these pieces of technology are highly dangerous if tampered with."

It seems like this lady won't shut up.

Nova holds my hand all the way to the elevator. When we're just about to reach the car, the woman stops me.

"I'm sorry Sir, but no Alphas allowed on this tour." No wonder she's been giving me dirty looks...

Humans know about our race but don't approve of Alphas and Betas. We're excluded from most activities put on by the humans.

Nova sighs and we head back to the parking lot. "I'm sorry, Kai. I looked it up. They said they were all ranks friendly." I shake my head and start the car.

"It's OK. Didn't like the dam anyways." We start towards Novas parents house.

I haven't formally met them yet. They're fairly nice people from what Nova tells me.

"Daddy! Did you and Mama have fun?" My daughter hugs us as we walk in the door.

"Yeah. Lots. Did you have fun with Grandpa and Grandma?" Jasmine nods, just as the elderly couple walks in the room.

Novas father, Arnold, is almost 200 years old. That may seem like a long time, but to a werewolf, that's almost nothing.

Lana, Novas mom, is only a few years younger than her husband, but needs a cane to walk due to a bad hip.

"Any troubles at the dam?" Arnold asks as he takes a seat in his usual armchair.

"They wouldn't let Kai in, since he's an Alpha." Nova tells him as she straightens Jasmines clothes.

"Ah, I see. Your little one is in the nursery, asleep." Lana informs us.

"Thank you for watching them. Means a lot." Lana smiles at me.

"Not a problem. It's nice to know that my daughter has met a strong mate. Now, who's ready for supper?"

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