Twenty-Five: Days In The Sun

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I've been alive long enough to know that the best feeling ever is to come home. Seeing familiar faces and friendly smiles has always been a huge thing that made my day.

Until I came home from Harpers.

Instead of smiles and hellos, I got pity and sympathy. Two of the things I don't crave. I don't like being the center of attention at some points, especially when I look so weak.

"Alpha! Are you feeling OK?"

"Alpha, do you need anything?"

"Kai, where have you been?"

Finally I make it to the bedroom. There I just sit on the bed and sigh. Nova sits next to me and lays her head on my shoulder.

"I hate this..." I mumble. Nova laughs and holds my hand.

"I know you do. Are you sure you don't want Sammy to check you out? You've been through a lot." I nod and kiss Novas forehead.

"My eye will be swollen for a few days, and my ribs feel like someone took a hammer to them, but I'll be fine." Jasmine comes barging into my room, smiling and giggling.

I hold out my arms, and she hugs me. "Daddy!" She exclaims.

"Nice to see you too sweet pea." I kiss her head. Marie came and got the kids while the hospital was patching me up.

The baby monitor next to the bed squeals to life, as my son starts crying in his nursery. Nova sighs and stands.

I lay my hand on my shoulder. "I got it." I kiss her head and head to the room next door. I pick up my son. Diapers clean. Must be hungry.

I grab some formula and put it in a bottle. Once I pour water inside, I head downstairs to microwave the bottle.

As I'm standing in the kitchen, Marie, Jonathan and their two little ones, Dawn and Kyle walk in. Jonathan is holding their son.

They both seem so grown up now. "Hey guys. How's everything going?" I take the bottle out of the microwave and shake it. I give the bottle to Sebastian, and he stops crying.

Marie hugs my shoulder very briefly before tending to a very dramatic Dawn.

"But Mooom. I wanna go playyyy." Marie shakes her head and digs around in the fridge.

"No. Your going to help me today, and if I get anymore fuss about it, your grounded and you'll go in the naughty chair. Understand?" I smile a little as Dawn nods.

She quietly gives her mom a hug and starts getting dishes out.

"Does Jasmine ever act like that?" Jonathan asks as we stand there, feeding our infants.

"Sometimes. But hey, they're kids. Kids whine and complain. They'll get over it. I hope." I shake my head and take the bottle away from Sebastion as he finishes eating. I lay him over my shoulder and pat his back a couple of times, trying to get him to burp.

When he does, I kiss his little hands and rock him back to sleep.

He hasn't had his full nap, and if he doesn't get it, he'll sleep in too late tomorrow. Dunno why he's that way, but that's just how it is.

"How's Dawns hunting coming along?" I ask Jon.

He beams proudly. I smile a little. "Excellent. She's caught four rabbits so far, without my assistance." I nod, impressed.

Jasmine, being younger, is taking a bit longer to get the hang of hunting, but she's getting there.

"Papa says I might take down a big bad bear someday!" She states proudly. I smile and ruffle her hair.

"Well, I gotta get this little squirt back to bed. See you guys at dinner."

It's odd to be back at home and to eat real food. Not the old bread and puddle water they used to give us back at Harpers.

Plus, it feels kind of lonely to be here without Mike. We spent so much time together, it feels like we've known one another our entire lives.

He went back to his pack up in Canada. I'm gonna miss the guy.

"Cheers to our brave and fearless Alpha!" Nick, my Beta, holds up his glass and declares. The entire pack is here. Eating on picnic blankets, tables we could gather from the House, and chairs.

It's nice to have my family back, but...

We cheer our glasses and drink. Jasmine participates and drinks her Kool-aid.

My wife feeds Sebastion some baby food, before eating some of her food. I smile, feeling warm and loved. So many suffered in that place, and now we can be free.

Sounds like the ending to a cheesy movie, doesn't it? Sounds too good to be true. And that's because it is.

Something will go wrong again someday. Maybe soon, or maybe when I'm long gone and Jasmine is the Luna.

Who knows?

Been alive long enough to see so much. Known so many great people. Met my soulmate.

Had two amazing children, protected my pack and brought so many women back to theirs.

I smile, seeing Kilala and her mom eating, a baby in the young ones arms.

Was it pure luck or random fate that she ended up here? Was it my ancestors looking out for them?

My heart sinks as I look towards the forest. There they are...

Mom... Dad... Cara... Uncle Jermaine, Cousin Luke. All of them.

Nova catches my attention again. "Helllooo? Earth to Kaiiii~." Everyone lets out a laugh.

I smile and kiss my wife. She holds my cheek.

You know, I never realized how much meeting her has changed my life. If I just left her in the dungeon to die that day, I would've died right there with her.
What would've happened then? Would Nick take over? Marie?

I sigh, too lost in thought to care about the conversations going on around me.

Jasmine is arguing with Nova about eating her green beans, and Marie is having a hard time getting her little one to stay still. Finally, when dinner finishes, we all gather in the fields.

We sit in the grass and wait for the show to begin.

I smile as a huge explosion of color erupts in the sky. "Mommie! Fireworks!"

I smile and cradle my son. Nova pulls me away for a second, letting Marie take over watching the kids.

She pulls me behind Pack House and kisses me. "I love you." I smile and hold her cheeks.

"I love you too, Mate."
~The End

(A/N) Hey! So yeah, story ended. I know, it's been a journey, but it's finally over. Don't worry about it, Kais story may be over, but Jasmine still has a long way to go! Here in about a week, I'll be uploading a new book: Forbidden Mate, so keep an eye out! Thank you guys so so so much for all the support you've given me along the way. I wanted to abandon this book so many times because I thought it was getting too boring and repetitive. frasermagoo you've seriously been the biggest supporter. Thank you. And for the last time in this book: ~kai_666

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