Chapter Eighteen: Die!

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(Above: Nova)

"So... Since Jasmine is away for a hunting trip, what do you wanna do?"

I shrug and look up from my papers. "Don't know. What do you wanna do?" She smirks and sits on my knee, looking over a paper.

"I don't know. Maybe we could..." She looks over her shoulder. I feel a blush on my cheeks. "Or not... If you don't wanna." I smile and kiss her cheek.

"I do. But what if-"

My office door busts open. "Alpha. Come quick! We found a pregnant woman just inside the borders." I nod and hurry out the door with the Scout.

I change into my wolf form and follow him through the wood. When we reach her, I'm shocked at what I see.

She's young. Not too much older than Jasmine. But sure enough, her stomach is bulging with a baby.

She's in human form, but just by smell alone, I can tell she's a werewolf.

The girl is propped up against a tree, bleeding and unconscious. "Did you find her?"

He shakes his head. "No Sir. A pup was playing out here and ran to find me." I nod and sniff the girl.

Her forehead has a nasty gash on it. How could a girl so young, be pregnant? It hits me.


I turn to my Scout. He nods. "She has to be." My heart sinks. A few women from packs all across the world have gone missing.

This girl, was a sex slave.
We take her back to Pack House and have Sammy look her over. He says that she and the baby are fine.

I stay by her side, the fatherly part of me taking over.

She wakes up about an hour after we bring her in.

Her eyes are wild and frantic. She's speaking so fast I can hardly understand her.

"Easy... Calm down." I smooth her hair back. She takes a few deep breaths and stares at me.

"Is my baby OK?" I smile at the motherly instinct. Even at a young age, she's so protective.

"Yes. He's fine." She rubs the bulge. "What pack are you from?" She shakes her head.

"I'm not from a pack. I was born into..." She chokes up. I rub her back.

"It's OK... You don't have to tell me." She nods. "Why were you in the woods?"

"They were transporting us. I saw an opportunity to run, and took it. I tripped and hit my head. I thought I was gonna die." I nod along. She's very grown up for such a young child.

"How old are you?"

"Twelve." My heart twinges. "Please don't send me back..." She begs, holding onto my sleeve.

"I won't. I won't. I promise. Your part of my pack now. I swear on my life, I won't let anything happen to you." She smiles and hugs my neck.

"Thank you..." She whispers. I nod and rub her back. I look over as the infirmary door opens.

Nova stands there, smiling. "How's she doing?" My mate asks, sitting next to me.

"I'm fine." The girl answers, wiping her cheeks of a few tears. "Your very pretty." Nova smiles and thanks her. "I'm Kilala." She shakes my mates hand.

"Nice to meet you, Kilala. I'm Nova. And this is my mate, Kai." We shake hands. "So... Are you sure you wanna join this ragtad bunch of wolves?" Nova jokes, winking.

Kilala chuckles and nods. "Of course. It'd be a nice change. For me and my baby." She rubs her stomach.

I feel anger wash up. Someone violated and raped a poor innocent child, for God knows how long. Probably since she was old enough to walk.

Those wolves... No... Those monsters don't deserve to live.

"Kilala. This is very important. Where are the men that were transporting you?" She looks up at me.

"Just outside your borders. Well... That's where I saw them last at least." She pauses. "Oh no... Your not seriously thinking..." She holds onto my arm.

"I am. I promise, they'll get what they deserve." Kilala shakes her head.

"Make sure that the rest of the women get back to their families... Please... For me..." I nod and kiss her knuckles.

Nova stops me in the hall. "Kai... Let me come with you."

I shake my head. "Stay here with Kilala. OK? If Jasmine comes home, I want you here, waiting." Nova sighs and presses a kiss to my lips.

"Go get 'em cowboy." She heads back into the infirmary.
It takes us three days to track them down. By then, the thought of what the men are doing to others, has only added fuel to the burning fire inside me.

They're all laughing and carrying on, a woman or two on their shoulders. They look scared and ashamed. When I get closer, I realize that they're naked, and the men are fondling them.

I'm tempted to take their lives right then and there, but one of my men stops me. His wolf is white with many scars along his side and face.

His name is Jacob. He's my most trusted warrior.

"Now is not the time to strike. They're drunk. When they pass out, we can kill quickly and with out much of a fight." I growl, wanting the men to suffer, but knowing he has a point.

We don't want the girls freaking out and running off.

We pace outside of the camp, listening to their drunken stories. I see a few women in cages, some no older than Kilala. Maybe even younger.

One spots me in the wood and begs me to kill her. She says she can't take it anymore. She looks like she's in her mid-twenties.

I breaks me to see people like this...

Finally, when all the laughing has died down and the girls are locked back up, me and my men advance.

The fools are so slobbering drunk, that they don't even wake up to our teeth snapping their windpipes.

We shift human again and I take a quick look at the girls. They're all at the back of their cages, watching in fear.

"We're here to take you all home. Kilala told us what you were going through. You don't have to be afraid." At the mention of the girl, a woman runs up to the front of her cage.

"My daughter is alive?" She demands, tears spilling over her eyes.

"Yes Ma'am. She and her baby are safe." The mother breaks down crying. "I'll contact every pack I can and try to get you home. For now, you can come with us."
We're back by that morning. Kilala and her mother have decided to stay with us, and I contacted the other pack leaders. They're sending escorts to retrieve their members.

I smile as I see a mother hugging her child outside my office window. We rescued roughly twenty girls that night.

I'm glad their all safe... More or less... This would tramatize anyone for life.

"Thank you." Two arms wrap around me and hang loosely on my chest. I hold my mates hand.

"I couldn't have done it without Kilala. She saved a whole bunch of people." I kiss her fingers.

"What will happen to the bodies?"

"Trust me... They'll never be found."

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