Chapter Four: I'm Sorry

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I lean back against the shower wall. My chest hurts. Not from the stitches. From rejecting my mate. I can feel pain, but not the pain that you feel when you cut your finger. Pain of losing a loved one.

It's been almost two weeks since I told Nova to leave me alone. Those two weeks have felt like eternity. I stifle a sob. It feels as if my heart is being torn from my chest.

I turn off the water and dress in a gray shirt and loose black sweats. Today I need to talk to her. See her. At least that will calm my angry wolf. I step out of my room and head down to Nova's room. I can smell her inside. I know now why she wanted to stay in the woods that night. She wanted to mate with me. And I think I wanted the same thing.

I hesitate to knock. Anger fills the aura. She knows I'm here. I knock softly. "Go away!" I hear her yell from inside. Her voice is broken. She's crying.

"Nova..." I close my eyes. I can hear her broken sobs from the I side. "I'm sorry..." I put my hand against the door. After a moment, I turn away. I don't look back. I just walk. Before I reach the living room, I hear her door open. Only then do I look back. She stands in the hall. Her hair is messy. Her sleep pants are loose around her body. A tank top covers the rest of her body.

"Kai..." Her voice is shaky. I face her fully. She walks over, stopping just before she reaches me.

"Nova, I-"

"No... Marie told me everything. She told me why..." She sniffles. Her eyes are red and puffy from crying.

"I don't care. I shouldn't have done what I did..." She laughs to herself. "What?"

"Stop putting the blame on yourself. After Marie told me... I knew why you were pushing everyone away. And I want to let you know... I'm here for you..." Her hand cups my cheek. She's warm. Her hand is soft.

I lay my hand on hers. The simple touch is like electricity. Another tear rolls down her face. I can't... They'll come back. I have to keep her safe....

"I love you Kai... My wolf needs you. I need you..."

But keeping her safe also means keeping her happy... And happiness is here. With me. As her mate...

"I love you too Nova..." She smiles and hugs me. I smile as well and hold her close to my chest. "And I'm never letting you go..."
Two days. Two days later and everything goes to shit.

I walk into Pack House after a hunt and yawn. It's late. Almost eleven at night. Nova has gradually moved into my room. I take one look around and know she's there.

In only a week is our mating ceremony. After that, we'll be on our way to becoming parents.

There's a scream. A loud, pain filled scream. And it's coming from my room. I growl and sprint towards the room. I open the door.

Nova's on the ground, writhing in pain. "Nova!" I run to her. She clutches to me. "Nova... What happened?" She nuzzles into my neck.

I look at Marie and Sammy run through the door. I pick up my mate. "What happened?" Marie asks, touching Nova's back. She screams in pain. I rub her back. She sobs.

"Make it stop..." She pleads.

"Let me see her." Sammy says. I lay her on the bed and sit next to her. She grabs my leg. I run my hand over her hair. She has it thrown up in a bun.

Sammy feels her stomach. She cries out. He pulls away. "Touch where I did. I need to confirm something." I do as he asks. She stops screaming. "I knew it..."

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