Chapter One: Kill or be Killed

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"Nick... I already have so much to deal with." I grumble, looking up from my office desk. Papers are strewn about. I already have to approve a vacation, mating ceremony, and recon mission. Plus I have to repair the Pack House, question the rouge prisoners, and get over my next heat.

"Sir you haven't slept in three days. Take a break and sleep." Nick is my Beta. He has red hair and dark brown eyes. He's always checking up on me. Like the father I never had.

"I'm fine. Just get out and let me work." I growl. He nods and leaves the office, leaving me in peace to finish preparations. When I finally sign the last paper, I stretch my limbs. My wolf is yawning, wanting to be let out. I yawn as well and look at my clock.

12 A.M... I started working at 7 this morning. I block out my nagging wolf and strip my clothes. When I look in the mirror I sigh. My body is well toned, yes, but it's the scars that bother me. My chest and back are covered in scars from the many fights I've been in.

On my left arm is a Japanese tattoo meaning: Alpha. Above my right nipple is another symbol meaning: Warrior.

I run my hand over the small cuts and scars. When I reach my abs, I stop. Turning on the shower I step into the hot water and groan at the warmth. My tensed muscles relax and I quickly wash up before getting out and laying in bed. My loose pajama pants, roll up around my calves when I roll into my back.

I quickly fall asleep on the soft sheets and squishy matress.
I'm awakened in the morning by a hand shaking me. "What is it?" I demand, sitting up pissed that someone disturbed my sleep.

It's Fransisco, my third in command. "Sir. We've found two rouge's inside our borders. We've locked them in the dungeon for questioning." He says quickly.

I nod and get up. Fransisco leaves me to get dressed. I pull on a pair of blue jeans and a plain black shirt. I wrap my wooden necklace around my neck and step outside.

My black shoes click against the dungeon floor. All too many times I've​ been down here. I sigh and wait outside the cell that holds the female rouge. Immediately her scent hits me like a bullet. One word crosses my mind.


I shake my head and pull myself straighter as they chain her hands above her head with silver. She lets out a cry and opens her eyes. They're frantic and terrified. "What's your name?" My voice rings out through the room. She strains against the painful shackles, obviously wanting them off.

"I-I'm... Nova..." She stampers out, her voice in shambles. I can sense her wolf submissing it's self. My wolf dominates the room in return.

"Why are you inside our borders?" I demand, fighting off my wolf's urge to free her and take her body for our own.

"I..." She goes quiet. I growl and bang my hands on the door, making her jump. I ignore the pain from the silver. "It's initiation... I have to survive 24 hours in your territory and I'll be accepted..." She whines, almost in tears.

I sigh. "I'll make you a deal Nova." She perks up. I can see the silver burning the skin on her wrists. "I'll let you join my pack. But you have to work for me in the Pack House. Taking care of children, cooking, cleaning and all that." One of my men tries to protest, but I silence him.

I'm doing this for my wolf. He has chosen his mate... And I must make sure that she stays alive... Or he will die. Nova nods and stops her useless struggling.

I open the cell door. "Unchain her. Make sure she's locked in my office. I'll be there in a few minutes." They unchain the female and drag her along to my office.

I run a hand over my face and rub my burning hands together. I brace myself on the wall as dizziness overcomes my body.

Earlier that day

"Sir... This is your last heat before... You know..." Sammy, our pack doctor, mentions. I roll my eyes for the hundredth time.

"Look. I know that. Just get off my ass about it. OK?" I growl and look up from the papers on my desk. Outside I see pups playing with their mothers and males flirting, desperate to find a mate. "I don't want a mate. I don't need a mate. If she does show up, it'll be because my wolf has chosen her." Sammy sighs and nods mumbling that I'm an impossible fool.


I sigh and stand outside the door to my office. "Kai.... He's dying... You must've noticed it too."

"I did. Does he have a mate yet?" I hear Nova ask. I keep a growl down. He told her...

"No... This is his last heat without a mate before he dies... I'm just hoping that the right girl will show up... I would hate to lose my best friend."

I've heard enough. I push the door open. Nova cowers at the sight of me. "Out." I order the small male. He nods and quickly leaves. I pull a chair next to my desk.

I sit in my own chair and start filling out a paper. "Sit Nova." I order. She quickly plops down next to me.


"Why what?" I ask, genuinely annoyed that she's interrupting my train of thought.

"Why haven't you chosen a female to mate with? Your dying." I lay my pen down on the desk and look at Nova. Her eyes are a pale blue. Her nose is splashed with freckles. Her long blonde hair goes past her shoulders. She's adorable in a way.

"I'm your Alpha. I don't need to explain myself to you." I scowl.

She nods. "Of course. I'm sorry.... It's just. It'd be a shame if this pack lost such a good Alpha..." She looks sad. Her hands are clenched in her lap, like she's holding off the urge to grab me. Her wolf has chosen me as well.


"Nova. My wolf has already chosen a mate. You... Just know that's the only reason your here. If you weren't, I would be laying dead in the forest somewhere." She looks up at me.

"Then why not just reject me? If you don't want a mate, why let your wolf be so unhappy?" She sounds angry. I sigh.

"Look. Maybe in two days I'll change. Three days. That's how long you have to change my mind." She looks up, scared. "Don't worry. If you fail, you won't lose anything." I go back to work.

What the Hell did I just agree to?

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