Twenty-Three: Disapproval

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"Excuse me, have you seen Nova?" I ask as I poke my head around the corner to the kitchen.

Novas mother points towards her daughters old bedroom. I nod and head there.

"Dad. Please try to understand." I pause outside the door, hearing the argument.

"No! He's an Alpha that kills for pleasure. Just imagine what he'll do to you. To your children. I don't want to see you get hurt." I clench my jaw. The words sting.

"Dad, I love Kai and he loves me. I know him, and have seen him grow for such a long time. He seems cold on the outside, but if you just get to know him-"

"I won't listen to anymore of this!" I flinch as Novas fathers voice raises. "You are coming back to live with us, with the kids. After tonight, I'll make sure he's gone. I am your father. Even though your older, you have to obey direct orders. It's an Omegas duty."

There's silence for a while. I can hear Nova crying inside. "Please. I can't lose him." My heart breaks as her voice quivers.

"You won't be losing him. He'll be losing you. You can live a better life here. Find a suitable Alpha to have more pups with. Trust me, it's for the best. Or, I'll have to have him forcefully taken."

"Alright... I'll come back."
"That was delicious, Mrs. Smith." I wipe my face with a napkin and smile at the elderly wolf.

She chuckles. "Not a problem, dear. And please, just call me Lana. You make me feel old calling me Mrs."

"Daddy! Sebastian is awake!" Jasmine comes bounding into the dining room. She was eating in the nursery, watching cartoons.

"OK sweetheart, I'll be right there." I excuse myself. "Be back in a sec." I kiss Novas temple and head off to check on my son.

I change Sebastian's diaper and lay him back in bed. He's asleep in a matter of seconds.

I watch his sleeping face. He's so cute. My happiness turns to grief, knowing that this may be the last time I'll see him. I kiss his forehead. A wet tear falls from my cheek and onto his blanket.

"Daddy?" I wipe my cheeks and sniffle. I turn around and face my daughter.

"Hey, pumpkin. What's up?" She looks at the floor.

"They're arguing."
"You know nothing about my life! Your trying to take my children from their father!" I stop just as I'm about to round the corner.

I hold onto Jasmine by the shoulders so she doesn't run out there.

"Of course I am! That beast is a killer! A monster! You deserve so much more! I won't let my daughter be mated to some slimy piece of filth!" I bite my tongue.

"I'm leaving, tonight! I can't stand you!"

I hear skin connect with skin and something hit the floor.

I hear a gasp and then an outraged cry. Rage builds in my chest.

He hit Nova.

"MAMA!" Jasmine manages to slip away from me and run to her mother. I turn the corner, seething with anger.

Arnold is standing above Lana and Nova. My mate is on the floor holding her reddened cheek.

"Arnold! What is wrong with you!?" Lana demands.

"She's a damn Omega! She needs to know her place!" He all but screams.

I growl and tend to Nova. She looks up at me with teary eyes.

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