Chapter Eight: New Member Of The Family

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"Kai!" A voice calls out. I turn around and smile at my old friend.

"Sammy. Need something?" I ask, a smile plastered on my lips. Since I killed Harrison, everything has been quiet and calm. My mood has improved as well. Now I can go out and play with pups and have normal conversations with other pack members.

"Yeah. I- dear God.... It's Nova..." He takes a deep breath.

"What about her?" I ask. And before you ask. Yes we have tried for another child. And I know, it seems kind of sudden, but Nova and I talked it over. She's not at all afraid and wants to start a family with me.

"She... Just had her baby... Your daughter..." He says, breathless. Joy and pride fills my chest. I run with him back to his office.

Jasmine. That's her name. The name that we decided on. I'm finally going to meet my little Jasmine.

When we open the door, the smell of blood hits my nose. I have to tell myself that she's OK. I walk behind the privacy curtain and smile at the sight before me.

Nova is laying in bed, holding a bundle in her arms. She looks tired, and I wouldn't blame her. The bundle moves in her arms. I pull a chair up next to her and rub my mates arm.

"Kai..." She says softly. I kiss her forehead. "Wanna... Hold her?" She asks tiredly. I nod. I take our daughter from her arms and kiss her hand. "I love you..."

"I love you more... Now sleep. You've earned it." Nova nods and closes her eyes.

I look down at the baby. Her cheeks are chubby and her lips are pink. She looks like her mother. Her eyes are a greenish blue. I hold my finger out and her small hand holds it. I smile, holding off tears.

"Congratulations Alpha. You have a healthy daughter." I smile as Sammy lays his hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you for being here for her."

"Sorry I didn't come get you. I knew you were busy." He sounds guilty.

"Don't worry about it." I smile at him. He returns it.

"I'll leave you." He goes outside. I smile down at my daughter.

"Welcome to the pack Jasmine. I'm sure your going to love it here...." I kiss her tiny fingers.
After a few days, Nova can stand up and move on her own. We decide to take Jasmine around and show her to everyone.

I walk next to Nova and make sure that she's OK and that she isn't too tired. Marie walks up to us, holding Dawn in her arms. Johnathan smiles at us.

"Hi Cousin." Marie says making her infant wave. I smile and shake her little hand.

"Hello Dawn. Marie, Johnathan. How are you guys?"

"We're amazing. How's the new member of the family?" Marie asks, smiling at Jasmine. She's asleep. Over the last few days, she's been trying to talk. It's adorable.

"She's fine. Although. Just between us. She's a pain." Nova teases, letting out a small laugh. We all smile.  "Kai..."

I look at my mate. She's pale. Oh no... I take Jasmine from her, hand the baby to Johnathan and catch Nova before she falls over. 

I pick her up. "Don't worry." I kiss her head and start walking to our room. She's still trying to get over giving birth. It took away a lot of her energy. I can hear my cousin behind me.

I lay her in bed and cover her up. "I'm sorry..." Nova says, closing her eyes.

"Rest." I pat her head and take Jasmine from Johnathan. She starts crying.

I bounce her gently and walk around the room. "Shhh.... It's OK..." I sooth her. She cries for a good ten minutes, even after I gave her a bottle.

Yes she's being bottle fed. It's a temporary thing until Nova can get her strength back.

When she calms down, I lay her in the crib and sit next to Nova on the bed.

Marie sits in a chair and her mate leaves. "I'm sorry Kai. I wish I could help you some how." Marie lays Dawn in the same crib and rubs my back. "Welcome to the world of parenting." She and I share a smile. "I bet your tired... I'll leave you to get some sleep."

Marie grabs Dawn and leaves. I yawn. True. I've gotten up with the baby every night she was in the room. I lay down next to my mate and sleep.
I wake up to Jasmine crying. I sit up. The sun has started to set. I get out of bed and pick up my daughter. Her diaper needs to be changed. She's probably hungry too.

I'll spare you the details about the diaper changing.

I bring Jasmine downstairs to heat up a bottle. A few people are still lounging around. As I make my way to the kitchen, a man steps in front of me.

"Alpha. Do you mind if I ask you a question?" He asks timidly.

I sigh, still trying to wake up. "Go for it." I yawn, patting my daughter's back.

"Do you mind blessing a mateship in two days?" He asks, a nervous edge in his tone. I smile.

"Of course. Who's the lucky lady?" I ask, nudging him.

"Vikie." He points to a black haired woman in the corner of the room. She waves. I return the gesture.

Vikie is my mom's friends daughter. We knew each other when we were kids, but our relationship dissolved when the incident happened.

"Alright. Where is the ceremony?"

"It's here in the House. We were planning to do it in the living room. It's a private ceremony so only our family will be there." I nod.

"Alright." I walk into the kitchen and heat up Jasmine's bottle. I feed it to her, while humming a random tune. After she's done, I let her gum on my finger.

She laughs when I tickle her belly. I smile and kiss her head. "I bet you wanna play, huh?" I let her hold my finger and head back to the room. I get out some toys and watch her play with them.

She squeals when she throws a toy, then starts laughing. I pick it up and bring it back. I sit behind her and hold her up. I pick her up so her feet are barely touching the ground.

She kicks in a walking motion and I move her forward.

"Kai...?" Nova's voice asks. I look up at her and smile. "How long was I asleep?" She asks lazily.

"Almost all day." I put Jasmine back down and make sure she doesn't swallow anything. "Wanna come play?" I ask, smirking.

Nova sits in front of our daughter and jingles some fake keys. Jasmine laughs and claps her hands.



"I'm sorry... I've been putting everything on you because I can't do it... I'm so useless..." I see a tear roll down her cheek.

I frown and wipe it away. "Hey... Don't talk like that... Your recovering... Don't feel bad. I can do it." She smiles at me.

"Yeah. I guess your right." She sniffles and holds my hand.

"I love you Nova. And I'd do anything for you...."

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