Chapter Twenty Three: I Defeat A Giant Wally

Start from the beginning

The pretty shall save the one she holds dear

The lightning will rescue a city from his own

The water will find his love in the sea foam

The dead shall rise for two of their young

The flame must save his wife and his son

The shifter will change through many a figure

And the prophet shall all of these tests configure.


It sounded like each of them would be put through a test before they could become immortals or something. Nico was wondering what his would be like when he blacked out.

When he opened his eyes, he was standing in front of what seemed to be a huge junkyard. Except that instead of being filled with dirty trash, it was made up of random pieces of armor, broken weapons, bits of machinery, and in the corner, a giant robot that had to be at least fifty feet tall.

Confused, Nico looked around. He figured this must be part of his test, but he had no idea what he was supposed to do.

He forgot all about the prophecy and the tests when he heard Rachel's voice.

"Nico!" she yelled happily. "I found Hades-the one Mythomagic figure you don't have!"

A wave of deja vu swept over him, and for a moment he couldn't figure out why.

A Mythomagic figurine. A huge junkyard. A giant robot.


He hadn't been there himself, but he remembered the story Percy had told him very well.The story of Bianca's death.

"No!" Nico cried, but it was too late. Rachel had grabbed the little figurine and was walking toward him, smiling like she had the best gift in the world for him.

He whipped his head around, and indeed, the robot was lighting up, activating itself.

"Rachel!"he yelled. "Put that down and run!"

"What?" she asked, confused, not having seen the robot yet.

"Drop it and run!" She did as he asked, but the robot was already coming after her.

Nico thought quickly. Bianca had died by electrocuting the robot and shutting it down. She had saved her friends, but not herself.

Was Nico willing to do that for Rachel? Would he even be successful? He wasn't very good with machines.

There had to be another way.

He could the powers he had as a son of Hades.

Summoning a boulder from the middle of the junkyard, he levitated the rock and aimed it at the robot's torso. With all his might, he sent it flying in full force.

The machine brushed it away as if it were nothing more than a fly.

"Crap," Nico muttered, having no idea what do to next. He didn't want to get in that robot; it seemed stupid, and almost like an insult to his sister's death.

"Tell her," a rumbling, robotic voice said.

"What?" Nico asked in bewilderment as he started at the great machine that had just talked to him.

"Tell her your secret,"the voice rumbled.

"What secret?"

"You know."

He did? What was he supposed to tell her? I mean, he had told her almost everything except-oh. That.


"Rachel, wait up!" Nico called as she ran away. His voice was shaking.

What would she think after he told her that he had had a crush on Percy? I mean, he was over him now, and he liked Rachel. Still, he didn't know what her opinion was on that sort of thing.

Was there another way? He knew this wasn't the first time he had thought that, but still...

"No," came the robotic voice again. "You have to tell her."

"Tell me what?" Rachel panted when she was back by Nico.

"Nothing. I won't tell her," he declared, facing the robot.

"Then she dies," it said simply and began slowly making its way to Rachel.

Nico stood there for a moment, frozen in fear, torn. The robot approached ever closer.

"Stop!" Nico finally yelled.

"Tell her," he repeated.


Rachel looked at him expectantly.

"IhadacrushonPercy," he mumbled quickly under his breath. The robot stopped.

"What?" She asked.

"I had a crush on Percy," he said louder, more clearly. To his relief, the robot began to shut down down. "Now you can feel free to hate me like everyone else."

"Why would I hate you for having a crush on Percy one time?" Rachel asked as she rushed toward him. "I did too!"

"Um, thanks," Nico replied awkwardly as she hugged him, but he felt better than she would ever know that his secret was finally out and she didn't hate him for it.

***hope you guys enjoyed it! Next chapter should be exciting :) You'll get to find out each demigod is becoming the god or goddess of. Tell me your thoughts!***

Oh one more thing: For my other book Facebook for Demigods, I'm running out of ideas so I thought it'd be cool if I did a question and answer thing. Tell me some questions you'd like to ask the demigods and include them :)

Have a lovely day/night/morning/afternoon/evening!

Percabeth's Child: Children of Olympus Book #1Where stories live. Discover now