Chapter Twenty One: I Save the Lives of Dead People

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Chapter 21:

I Save The Lives of Dead People


One moment Hazel was minding her own business, calmly reading the newspaper (she still didn't feel completely connected to the modern world), and the next she was standing, disoriented and confused, in a place she had hoped she'd never see again. It was the same island where Gaea had told her that she needed a human sacrifice, the place where her mother offered her life, the place where Hazel had accidentally killed them both when she collapsed the ground beneath them. Except that it was still intact.

She blinked hard, looking around, wondering if she was having another flashback. She hadn't had one for many years, but it was possible. Still, it didn't feel the same. It felt more like she was actually there, experiencing it for the first time.

"Hello again, child," whispered a cold female voice.

Hazel nearly fainted at the mere sound of that voice. She hadn't heard it for many years, and she never expected to again.

"Remember me?" Gaea asked as Hazel turned slowly to see a huge, sleeping face protruding form the sand.

"H-how could I forget?" Hazel yelled defiantly, trying to sound brave.

"I shall rise again," she proclaimed. "And I need a human sacrifice to raise my son Alcyoneus."

It's just like last time, Hazel thought. This time, though, she would just sacrifice herself and no one else would have to die for her.

Suddenly she wheeled around at the sound of her name being called by someone who definitely didn't belong in this scene.


And standing next to him, Sammy Valdez and her own mother.

"I'm only kidding, child," Gaea laughed a horrible laugh that shook the mountains. "I will need three human sacrifices this time."

At that point, Hazel literally sank to her knees and let out a sob.

It couldn't be. She couldn't choose two people to sacrifice, she could sacrifice anyone but herself. Somehow she'd have to find a way out of this.

"Frank, Sammy, Mother..." she called helplessly in the others' direction.

"Save yourself, Hazel," Frank called into the wind. Sammy and her mother nodded their agreement.

Think, Hazel, think, she commanded herself. She'd been in tough situations like this before, and she had gotten out of this situation.

A small voice in the back of her head said, "yes, but you didn't get out of this particular situation very well."

And it was true. She had gotten both her mother and herself killed last time this had happened. Still, times changed. She had been younger, less experienced, and she hadn't quite understood what was happening.

And she hadn't known magic.

She stood up, brushed the sand from her clothes, and turned to face Gaea, putting on what she hoped was an expression of confidence.

"Choose your sacrifices, Hazel Levesque," Gaea commanded, "You can pick yourself along with two of your foolish little friends or mother, or you can be wise and save yourself. Let them die, and you shall live."

"I-I'll let choose the other three. I want to live," Hazel announced, hardly daring to say the words. She hoped with everything she had that her plan would work, or else she knew she'd wish she would've died.

Gaea's sandy lips curled into a small smile. "Good choice, Hazel Levesque. You are wiser than most; I expected you to be one of those noble little brats they call heroes. I was obviously mistaken. You could be a true asset to me one day."

Percabeth's Child: Children of Olympus Book #1Where stories live. Discover now