Right in front of the couch, they stop. Brenda goes to the couch and plots down, her fingers picking at the lose strings. Cally releases the boy's hands and walks to the front with Venny. The room is dead silent only noise is the heavy breathing of all the kids.

"Quiet! Damn it." Jorge growls as he throws down the headset into the table and spins around to face them. He brown eyes scan all the kids and his patchy grey eyebrows draw together in thought. He walks toward the silver tray that holds the glass bottles, each step he asks the kids a new question. The normal three that he asks all newbies.

Where'd they come from?

Where are they going?

And how he can profit.

He hasn't asked them in a long time— well at least Cally hasn't heard them in a long time. These three questions are the same ones she asked her years ago when he found her half dead in the Scorch. But, having no memory of her past, where she was going, or who she was, Jorge knew that the scared and weak girl would remember someday. Days have gone by and Cally still hasn't remembered her past, even though Jorge said it would come back to her soon enough. Through those days sent spent in a fetal position in a corner, rocking herself back and forth wishing she could get out of this dream she was stuck in. Once the older man realized he would never know, he took her in as his own. Taught her everything she knows now, alongside Brenda.

Suddenly, knocking her out of her thoughts, was Venny. He has pushed down the brown haired boy onto his knees and Brenda is now scanning the back of his neck. Still, somewhat in her mind, Cally doesn't hear the words that come out either Brenda or Venny's mouth. A dining noise brings her fully back and she watches as Brenda hands the device to Jorge. "You were right."

"Right about what?"

"What is she talking about?"

The two of them stand almost huddled over the screen of the scanning device. Cally tried to get a look from where she is standing, but it's no use. She doesn't want to walk over and look at it herself because she knows she will know what they are muttering about soon.

Jorge lets out a menacing laugh, his eyes locking with the leader's eyes for the first time. He outstretches his arms, still holding the scanner, "I'm sorry, hermano. Looks like you're tagged." He pauses, taking in their shocked faces. "You came from WICKED. Which means... you're very valuable"


"Brenda, Cally, Venny... Bring our guests to the nicest view. I'm sure they will want to hang out for a while." He snickered as she turned back around and went to stand in front of the large window. The two girls obeyed, Brenda jerks up the kneeling boy by his collar, pressing her gun into his back again. They all followed. Cally once again in the back.

"What is this big pile of klunk anyway?" The tallest of the group asked as she scanned the walls that are around them. His arm running along the metal handrail of the stairs.

"Minho, why not try asking... what is the place we are going?"

"This is our home." Almost forgetting about the other question their leader asked, Cally blurts from the back of the group. Immediately regretting her words as soon as they came out her mouth because all of the boys gaze land on her. A few of them had confused looks on their faces as if they had forgotten her presence.

"Who are you— I mean.. who are you guys?" The same one asked, slowing his pace so he could get closer to Cally.

She didn't want to answer, partly because she didn't know how to. Who were they? They aren't the Right Arm and they sure aren't close to anything special. "I'm Cally, that's Brenda." She thought for a second, trying to make her answer wittier, "The real question is, who are you lot, Newbie?"

"We're looking for something." A darkest skinned boy answered this time, his eyebrows are turned up making him have a worried expression. She watches him as he turns his mouth into a line and looks forward again, there's something about him that Cally likes.

"Who sent you here?" Cally asked the group. It was a stupid question to ask because no one in their right mind would willingly go into the Scorch. And these kids sure didn't look like they have had any help on their journey.

No one answered due to the fact Brenda had led them to the place that Jorge called the best view. Cally knows this place well, its a quiet place. Somewhere she goes to get some time alone because its the only place that no one comes and just a few know about. It's a dark, gloomy place that is very reminiscent of a medieval torture device.

There's a lever sitting beside the large gaping hole, a series of ropes connect onto it. The perfect amount of what the Jorge had in mind for them. When they entered the room, the WICKED kids stop in their tracks, watching Brenda as she pulls the lever extending the ropes long enough to time them around each and every one of their legs. "Cal, catch." Brenda tosses the pistol she was carrying to her friend. "Make sure they don't do anything stupid."

Nodding, Cally cocks the weapon. All of the guy's eyes watch Cally. Unlike Brenda, she can't hold a gun like its weightless, guess that's something that sets the two apart. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees her friend grab a long pole with a hook on the end and grab a rope.

She holds the thick rope in her hand and pulls it to see if it's steady. It is, so she points at one of the boys and motions for him to come by her pointer finger. "You. Blondie, come here."

The same boy that Cally had escorted earlier is called. His friends look at him with concerned looks before he makes a step towards Brenda. "Alright, so, I'm not good at tying knots." Nervous laughs leave the boy's mouth like he thinks she's joking. She shakes her head and continues, "You think I'm kidding? Man, I wish I was... So if it comes lose and you fall to your death, don't blame me. Blame yourself for coming here." As soon as she finishes her sentence she locks the knot into place, tugging at it to make complete sure.

He's sitting on the ledge, his tied feet dangling over. From where Cally's standing she can only see the back of him, but she can see him shaking. Like sitting on the edge, and maybe falling to his death reminded him of something.

Then, suddenly, Brenda shoves him off. The thick top jerking him into an upside down position. A hiss a pain leaves his mouth as it does. "Bloody Hell!"

Brenda quirks the side of her mouth upwards and watches him away back and forth. "Who's next?" Brown eyes gleaming with pleasure as she holds out her hand for another one.


ive been trying to hint things through this whole chapter. and i'm really hyped about these nexts chapters to come. well, i'm ready for this whOLE BOOK. i feel like this chapter is really poorly written, but i promise it gets better.

we have a 5 day weekend this week starting friday so i'm going to try to post 2 chapters this weekend so i can catch up to spaceleia . i seriously think she stays up all night and write non stop.

and i posted a 'meet my ocs' book and i would love if if y'all go and vote on that sucker.

i hope you guys like the chapter!

word count - 2555

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