"Leave him alone Barkley." Brenda commanded from beside Cally. Her hand slowly reaching for the gun in her holster. Barkley may be a selfish, annoying, and a dick all the time. But he knows when to take orders, especially if those orders are coming from Brenda.

The shadow that's being cast over his face makes him look as if he really is a Crank in disguise, his drained and expressionless stare watches Brenda and Cally, and as he makes his way make to his cot, the girl just knows that isn't the last time they will see him tonight.

They start their way back up the stairs, the girls still leading, but they can sense the visitors falling behind. "Come on, keep up. Jorge wants to meet you."

"Jorge? Who's Jorge?"

"You'll see... No one has come out of the Scorch in a long time, you've got him curious, and me too."

The smell is finally coming to normal, down this hallway and in Jorge's room is the only place in the whole facility that actually smells the way a place is supposed to smell. Or maybe it's because she's used it because she spends most of her time here.

The orange light from the stairs starts to fade away as the group makes their way down a long hallway to Jorge's office. At the end of the stretch is another light source, the lamp beside the large radio.

Brenda stops and turns around to face the group, she bites the inside of her lip as she inspects all of them, even Venny. All of their gazes aren't on Brenda, their looking around the place. Her eyebrows drawn together as she thinks. Cally watches her friend as she pulls out her pistol from her holster and holds it in her hand as if it's weightless. "When we get in there, I don't want no struggle, alright? Jorge wants to talk..." She looks over at Cally and clears her throat, "Grab the tall blonde one, I got their leader."

There's chattering going on around the kids, but the girl ignores it and pushes her away towards the boy. He's wearing a tan shirt that must have once been white, a brown jacket that has an old look to it, and a red scarf, but she can't make out his face. The darkness that surrounds them won't allow it. She would have laughed at what he's wearing if they were friends. Her small hands grab both of his wrists, jerking them behind his back, tightening her grip she pushes into his back. A grunt escapes his mouth, "Oh-okay- you have a tight grip."

His voice stuns Cally. It took a second or two for her brain to process his accent. Since she's lived with Jorge and Brenda, she hasn't heard one so soft. Well, besides Venny's of course, but his voice doesn't have the same odd affect.

"Ahem... Cally." The longer haired girl blinks herself out of the trance and lands her hazel eyes upwards onto Brenda. Having been lost in thought for only a second let her friend get a few steps ahead of her. The barrel of her gun pointed into the darker haired guy's back and his whole body was tense as if he actually thought she would fire if he made the wrong move. "You coming, or not?"

Not responding, she pushes his hands into his back, causing him to drag his feet across the rusty metal. The rest of the newcomer's group followed behind Brenda. Cally behind them, almost like dogs herding cattle.

Each step through the dark hallway made the boy tense, his fingers clenching into fists. Each time, Cally's grip grew tighter, she just knew they had some kind of plan in a situation like this.

As they entered Jorge's room, the boy who Cally is holding onto arm's tense and his breathing grows heavy. Jorge's hunched over with one side of the headset pressed against his left ear, his hand slowly turning the knob. By the way he isn't moving any part of himself beside his fingers shows Cally that he hasn't yet noticed that they walked in. "Jorge, they're here."

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