16. Timeless Realm

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Again Taehyung awoke, and he woke up back in his office... or what at first looked like his office but as he looked around he couldn't see anything.

"What?" He said to an empty blackness that surrounded him, rising up from his chair Taehyung's feet touched the black surface below him causing ripples to cascade across the floor like droplets of water in the ocean.

Floating around him were gimmicks and toys, some... seemed more familiar than others and some were just completely forgotten.

Little clocks ticked and flew by, but the hands stood in one constant spot. A stuffed toy twirled around, bouncing into other things then shattering into pieces upon contact.

Handcuffs broke in half from what looks like fire burn marks, a silver gun waved in and out from view like a mirage.

Taehyung looked around, afraid and hiding behind his feigned strength, touching the forgotten trinkets and pushing his way through the black void.

"Where am I?" He asked, again... to nothing.

As he walked around the pitch dark room the ripples followed with his every step and he came to a mirror, reflected back at him was an image that mimicked his very features down to the smallest detail, clad in pure white clothing; his body glowed slightly in the reflection and he stared at it in awe.

"What is this?" He asked but this time a voice that belonged to an unknown person; answered making all the floating lost items stay still in their place.

"This is the timeless realm." The deep voice echoed through the void of black, everything shaking with his voice, ripples in the water turned to small waves, crashing against the black walls of the void.

Taehyung spun on his heel and looked around the dark for the source of the voice.

"Who are you?" Taehyung questioned the dark and a voice echoed from the area around the mirror.

"I am you, and you are me, I am nothing, but yet I am everything," The voice said back, almost like a riddle and Taehyung continued spinning around, scanning every inch of the void but it seemed to go on for eternity.

"Time is still; here." The voice echoed through again

"Why?" Taehyung asked the voice spinning in a full circle back to the mirror, and reflecting back at him was himself but in black clothing and had a smirk graced upon his features.

"What is happening?" Taehyung asked and his reflection answered.

"You are stuck in a time loop, because of the tree." His reflection said.

"Why the tree? I thought it was Jungkook's mom that sent me back in time." Taehyung said to his reflection and his reflection chuckled darkly, waving his hand to his side as an image of the tree appeared.

"She did in a sense, as her power is tied to the tree." The reflection answered.

Taehyung stared at the reflection and looked around before he spotted the beautiful cherry blossom tree standing tall behind him in the timeless realm.

Taehyung's reflection stepped out from the mirror, dark black feathers cascaded down around him as he walked to Taehyung's side.

Raising his hand toward the tree, the reflection released the concealment magic covering it, an image showed of the tree burning down and screams running rampant in the void, then it faded back to normal, startling Taehyung and causing him to get a unsteady heartbeat as it felt real.


Not long after... Taehyung watched the tree, the magic that was once there; wasn't anymore and  Jungkook's mother started to appear in an astral form stepping down from the grassy hill the tree sat upon and onto the floor like water that Taehyung was standing on.

She didn't say anything as she approaching Taehyung, handing him a watch before falling through the black, water-like floor in an illusion.

"A watch?" Taehyung asked, then he looked at his reflection in confusion.

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