So It Begins

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Bjorn offered her a real smile this time and pulled her in to kiss her lips. "I will. And if I die, my last thought will be of you."

"Arches at the ready!" Caspian called out in the distance, signaling they were ready. Rowan gave Bjorn one last longing look before running back to her horse.

As she placed her foot in the stirrup one last time and pulled herself up, she felt the familiar feeling of adrenaline as it overcame her body in waves and she welcomed it.

"Lady Rowan, take this," Meliana said, holding out a spear. Rowan gave her a nod of appreciation and took it quickly as her Sister moved down the long line, passing out more to those who were on horses.

"Shield wall!" she heard Torvi command, followed by the sound of wooden shield being brought up to form a protective wall.

Rowan looked over to her mother who have her a half smile before pointing to her head, then again to their opponents out front. Rowan nodded, understanding that she was telling her to focus, then looked ahead at the large army before her.

The loud sound of a low horn rang out, eerily echoing throughout the plains and signaling that it was time. So it begins.

"Archers! Loose!" she heard Caspian roar, followed by the sound of bows releasing their arrows. She looked above into the sky to see a cloud of arrows soar into the sky before peaking, then raining down on their marks.

"Attack!" Queen Lana ordered, before rushing out to meet their enemies. A loud roar filled the air as both sides ran to the other, thirsty for blood.

Rowan looked into the sky again to find an even darker cloud of arrows headed their way and turned around in her saddle. "Shields up!" she barked, just in time for those to throw their rounded protectors into the air to take the majority of the arrows. She heard only a few screams and thumps as bodies hit the ground and dared not to turn around to see go had already fallen.

Racing forward, she grasped her spear and raised it above her head to gain momentum as she looked for a target. A large man who looked to be bred for battle ran towards her, yelling out a battle cry and beating his chest.

Rowan grinned at him before bringing her arm back and thrusting the spear with all of her might, "Arugh!"

The silver tipped end found its target and impaled him through the heart, knocking him to the ground. Triumphantly, she let out her own battle cry and snatched her spear from his body as she rode by his corpse. Her eyes quickly skimmed over the approaching mass of people for another target and soon landed on another giant of a man.

He was running full speed at her and had a massive battle axe in his left hand.

With one deep breath, Rowan pulled her arm back and thrusted the spear once more with all of her might. She watched it as it flew through the air at him, but at the last second he dipped his head to the right, missing it by an inch.

Rowan cursed under her breath and quickly pulled her blade from its sheath before raising it above her head.

She jerked her horse's reins in an attempt to run him over as she drew closer, but he anticipated it and with one mighty swing he hacked at the mares front legs, cutting them in half.

Rowan flew through the air and landed hard on the cold ground, knocking out her breath.

The sound of her horse crying filled the air along with the sound of clashing from the surrounding battle. She watched the brute raise his axe above his head once more before severing her horses head from its body. She didn't know if she should be thankful that he ended its misery or enraged that he did it from spite.

She wheezed and dug her hand into the dirt, gripping her blade before standing up.

The man sneered, then ran full force at Rowan. Realizing that he only used his size and strength in battle and lacked skill, she decided to play it against him. At the last second, she rolled out of the way of his powerful blow. As he turned around to strike again, Rowan swung her blade at his shin, sinking it into his bone.

He let out a bloodcurdling scream and collapsed with her blade still lodged deep into his leg. Rowan stood once more and gripped the hilt, wiggling it out. He screamed again and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. "Uh uh uh, don't faint on me yet."

The man gritted his teeth and began crying silently, his lips quivering.

"An eye for an eye, right?" Rowan asked, before shrugging and bringing her blade down once more, severing his head. Blood splashed onto her face in small drops and she grinned to herself before turning around to find the closest victim.

Her eyes landed on a woman about her size with a shaved head. She met Rowans gaze and pointed to her with her mace and began to make her way towards her, but a few steps later a Morrstick woman ran her over with their horse, trampling her as she continued forward.

Rowan frowned to herself as she had mentally marked the woman as hers but quickly let it go when a stocky man appeared in her peripheral vision, and she blocked his blow on instinct.

Before he could react, she snatched a smaller blade she kept on her side and swiped at his stomach, spilling his guts and stomach's contents onto the field. He moaned before falling over in his mess and the Gladeswoman reveled in the feeling that his death gave.

A tall skinny woman draped in chainmail and a bearded man with greying hair witnessed their comrade fall and made their way to Rowan, who then easily cut them down as a lumberman would a tree, then another four after that. She moved gracefully yet violently and was delightfully chaotic.

The sound of heavy footsteps made her way from behind her and she slowly turned around.

A giant of a man stood with two greatswords resting on each of his shoulders. Blood covered them and a small part of Rowan wondered which of her friends it belonged to.

She let out a growl and showered her teeth, cashing the man to chuckle deeply. "Easy Gladeswoman, you should not be so eager to fight me. Some of your sisters were and well..." he said, trailing off and stepping aside. He lifted one of the large swords from his shoulder and pointed into the distance with it at a heap of fair haired bodies. Rowan's heat leaped as she quickly recognized Xenia's and Kestrel's limp and bloodied forms.

"I watched you fight, you are quite good. This will be fun," he said, wielding his swords in circles.

Rowan felt her body begin to shake from rage and she charged.

The man laughed once again and braced himself for her attack.

Rowan screamed and struck with all of her might, only for him to block it then counter with his other sword.

She ducked, and struck again, cutting deep into his left forearm, then swiped hard at his thigh. Thick warm blood pulsed outwards, drenching his trousers. The man roared and backhanded her across her face, knocking her to the ground. He raised his foot above her head, bringing it down. Rowan stared up with wide eyes and rolled out of the way before pulling out her dagger and driving it into his calf. The man screamed again and lashed out as best as he could, catching Rowan above her brow this his blade.

Blood instantly began to blind her and she wiped it away with her shoulder as best as she could, only for more to pour down her face.

The large turned around, seeing his opportunity, and gripped her throat, hoisting her off of the ground. He gritted his teeth as her weight pained him, but her squirming and pants for air served as a welcomed distraction.

"Almost Gladeswoman, almost," he said, before looking at his great sword in his other hand.

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