38| Fucking Bitch

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I forgot to put this on the last chapter (which I'll go back and do) but if anyone doesn't want to read the chapters  but still wants a quick summary just message me and I'll give you a brief summary of what happened.

Also I just wanted to thank you guys so much for reading this story. All together I think it has around 5k views and I didn't think it would even get that far. Thank you guys so much. I love all of you with all of my little heart 💞💜💞💜💞💜

Alan's POV

I groaned and clutched at my head as a searing pain shot through me. This was the worst headache I had ever had. I stayed still and willed the pain to go away but that didn't seem to work. I rolled over to bury my face in the pillows only to be met with another person staring up at me with a smile.
"Megan?" I questioned and she giggled.
"Yeah Baby." She mewled out.
"Jesus, get me out of here." I muttered.
"I don't think you should be talking about Jesus after what we did last night." I heard Megan say followed by another giggle. "It was way to sinful to be holy." I stared up at the ceiling confused. I had no idea what she meant.
"You're sick." I went to stand up from the bed and it was when the covers fell off and my skin pricked with goosebumps that I realized something was very wrong.

"That's not what you were saying last night Alan." She sang. I looked down at myself only to be met with bare skin. I didn't have a stitch of clothes on.
"No. No. No." I muttered to myself. I quickly searched for my pants and pulled them up with shaking hands. I turned back to Megan with tears in my eyes.
"What do y-you mean? What h-happened?" I saw her roll her eyes and she stood up on her knees on the bed. The blanket fell and I quickly adverted my eyes as her naked body was on display. I heard the bed screech as she moved closer to the edge and once she was close enough she reached out for my shoulders pulling me closer.

"You wanna know what happened last night?" She whispered in my ear. No. No I didn't but I had to. I had to know what she had done. "I gave you the best night of your life Alan baby. You let me pull off every stitch of your clothes. You let me kiss down your milky white skin, leaving a little trail of bruises along the way. "
"You're lying." I shook my head and tried to pull away which only made her grip tighten.
"Don't fight it Alan you liked it. You liked it when I slipped my tongue in your mouth. You like it when my big lips wrapped around that delicious cock of yours. You liked it when I used your fingers to tease myself and you loved it when I sank down on you, and rode you." Tears were streaming down my face and I was shaking my head violently.
"No. No. No."

"Yes. Yes. Yes, Alan." She trailed a hand down my jaw. "If you don't believe me I can prove it. You're cum is all dried up on my thighs where it leaked out. Do you wanna see? Will that prove it."
"No!" I yelled and jerked away from her. "You can't...I didn't...no..." I sobbed harder.
"If your worried about me getting pregnant," She said and got up from the bed. "Don't be. I'm on the pill." She shrugged and I saw her smile through my fuzzy eyes. "We can do whatever we want with no consequences!" She said in a happy voice.

"You raped me!" I yelled out. I watched as her face fell and she shook her own head.
"Alan boys can't be raped by girls, you know that. You complied willingly. It was consensual." I can't remember anything. Nothing from that night. I strained against my headache and thought. The last thing I clearly remember is her getting us drinks.
"You drugged me." I said quietly.
"Alan you can't prove that. No one would believe you anyway." She crossed her arms.

I shook my head and made my way towards the door. She ran in front of me.
"Admit last night was the best night of your life Alan. Tell me you liked it. I know you did. You had to." She said in a low voice.
"How could I liked being raped!" I yelled and pushed her away from the door. I was quick to run out of it but that didn't stop her from yelling after me.
"No one will believe you Alan! Girls can't rape boys! No one will believe you! Especially if you try and pin it on me! Everyone loves me, I'm a..."
Her voice faded the further away from her I got and soon I was out on the street.

My arms were wrapped tightly around my bare chest and tears were flowing heavily from my eyes. I couldn't believe that had happened. How could she do that? Was she really that sick of a person. I felt so dirty. I wanted to rip my skin off. According to her, her hands and mouth had been all over me, and I had let her. No I was drugged. It wasn't my fault. Couldn't be my fault. It was all her.

I dug my nails into my arms and started to run. I wanted to go home, but was home really the place I needed to go. I wanted to lay in my own bed and just cry and I had to tell someone, I had to tell someone. My first instinct was my parents, but would they even believe me? I couldn't go straight to the police, not by myself, I couldn't handle that. I turned on my street and stopped. I didn't feel safe there. In that house with the two people who seemed to hate me the most. That place wasn't actually my home. It would bring me no comfort. I wouldn't be able to clam myself down. So I turned and went the opposite direction, still clutching my sides and crying. I just wanted to forget today and what was supposed to have happened last night. I just wanted to forget it. Forget it all.

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