03| Give Me Therapy

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Chapter dedicated to
Btw have any of you seen the footage from Of Mice and Men's first performance without Austin from last night?
I'm really proud of them.
Aaron had big shoes to fill since Austin left but playing bass, screaming, and singing is a big job and I THINK HE KILLED IT, THEY ALL KILLED IT. They were all amazing, great performance for their first time back. I'm ready to see what else they create!
Video up top!!!

Alan's POV

It had been about two weeks since I had told my parents I was gay and now I was standing outside the doors of the place that was supposed to 'help' me. Mom and Dad had basically ignored me since, they were ashamed. They had also took my phone and I wouldn't be getting it back until this afternoon. Hopefully at least.

I took a deep breath and stepped into the room. There was chairs arranged in a circle but groups of two were slightly farther apart. On one side of the room there was a group of people and on the other there was a group. I stood at the doorway awkwardly until a boy in a white dress skipped up to me.
"Hi I'm Kellin." He said cheerfully. "You are?"
"Come on!" He said and pulled me over to the group of people he had been standing with.

"Guys this is Alan!"
"Hey man." A boy with long brown hair said as he wrapped his arms around Kellin.
"Hi." I said and looked down at my feet.
"This is Vic." Kellin said and tried to break away from his grasp. "Otherwise known as the butthead."
"Hey! I'm not a butthead!" Vic pouted and crossed his arms. I smiled up at the two of them as they bantered back and forth a few more moments before Kellin placed a sweet kiss on Vic's cheek.

"Break it up now!" A very hateful looking woman shouted before storming over to the two and roughly pulling Kellin away.
"You need to go change." She said in a gravely deep voice.
"Don't you dare lay a hand on him." Vic spat and pulled Kellin back to him.
"Victor I will not have this nonsense! You two are troublemakers and are setting a bad example for anyone new." She said and glanced at me.
"Now there's five minutes before we start if Kellin isn't changed then I'll be forced to call his parents." She said with an evil smile before turning and walking away.

"She's a bitch." Someone from behind me said causing me to jump.
"Yea I know." Vic answered the unknown boy and then turned to Kellin."Kellin do you wanna change?" Vic said and Kellin nodded his head slightly. Vic pulled Kellin out of the room and I turned to the boy behind me.
"I'm Frank." He said with a smile.
"Ala-" I barely got out before the woman from before was calling us over to the circle of chairs.

Everyone sat down and I stood not really knowing where to go.
"Take a seat over there." The woman said and I moved to the chair she pointed at.
"So fir-" she started but stopped and smiled at Vic and Kellin as they walked in. Kellin was now in a pair of skinny jeans and a oversized hoodie. They both took their seats, which were in opposite sides of the circle.

"Now first off since we have someone new we will go around the circle and introduce ourselves." She had a sickly sweet smile and then pointed to the boy the next chair down from me. "You can start Dear."
"Hi I'm Gerard." The boy said and he smiled at me.
"Now Gina that's not your name." The woman, who's name I still didn't know, said to her. I took a closer look at him and noticed the curves of his body and when she spoke again I noticed the slight high pitch his voice had.
"My. Name. Is. Gerard." They said again and the woman huffed and turned to me.
"This is Gina, don't worry about her little facade here. She's trying to be rebellious." I glanced back at the boy, girl? They looked like a boy, they seemed like they wanted to be a boy if nothing else.

"Now I'm Mrs. Adams." She said and smiled at me again. She seems to smile a lot but it's really creepy. Her teeth are perfectly white but the red lipstick that was around her small scrunched up lips was staining them red and the corners of her mouth drawn up as if she was forcing the smile.

"I'm Frank." The boy I had met earlier said and gave a little wave.
"I'm Kellin." He said with a sad look on his face.
"I'm Oliver, but call me Oli." A very tall, tattooed boy said next.
"I'm Haley!" A bright red haired girl said next.
"Tony." The next boy said very quietly.
"Tay." The next girl said and shrugged her shoulders.
"And I'm Vic." Vic said and smiled at me.
"Now it's your turn sweetie." Mrs. Adams said to me and I looked around at the group once more.
"Umm I'm Alan." I said.

"Now tell everyone why you're here." She demanded, but still had that fake sweetness to her voice to match the smile on her face.
"My parents sent me?" I said not really sure how she wanted me to answer.
"But why did they send you?" She said with a small laugh.
"Because, b-because I'm gay." I said and looked at her.
"Let's rearrange that sentence. Say 'My parents sent me here because I think I am gay', go on." She encouraged.
"I'm gay. There isn't a think about it." I said even though I was slightly scared of this woman.
"You'll learn sweetie." She said and glared at me.

"Now it's time to meet your group buddy. Now the way we do things around here is that each person is assigned a group buddy. This buddy will be there to talk to you and just help you see what is going on in your sick little minds. They will help you on your journey to find the right path!" She clapped her hands together a little.
"Everyone else already has a buddy but today you will met yours." She pointed to me. "Everyone go ahead and get with your buddy and I'll get Alan settled."

I sat there as the people who were standing at the other wall walked over and sat down in the empty chairs. One boy who looked my age, maybe a year or two older, walked up to Mrs. Adams and she smiled at him before pointing to me. She got up out of her chair and walked over to me.
"Alan this is Austin," I looked up at him and he smiled. "He will be your group buddy."

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