36| Time's A Wastin'

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Me to really cute guy I started talking to:
I like to write gay fanfiction. Just to let you know.

Really cute guy I started talking to to me:
That's adorable. And hot. In a weird kinda way.

Update on the guy: he turned out to be a class A asshole

Alan's POV

I scowled at my reflection in the mirror. I had been made to 'dress up' for my 'date' with Megan. I had kaki colored skinny jeans on, a long sleeved deep red colored button up, and my Vans. My hair had been obnoxiously combed, parted, and laid to one side. I looked ridiculous. I huffed and crossed my arms. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this, but I guess it was either this or face my Dad. Neither sounded appealing but I had a feeling that dealing with Megan would be easier than dealing with my Dad.

There was a loud pounding on my door that caused me to jump.
"Alan! Get out here, Megan's here." I heard the deep voice of my Dad say. I turned to look back in the mirror with a sigh. My mind raced, trying to come up with any excuse to get out of this. I had already tried saying I was sick. Dad said Megan could just come up to my room to hang out. I tried to reason with my Dad which only ended in an argument and me getting slapped. I even tried to plead with my Mom, she just gave me a faraway look and told me to do what my Dad said. I wanted to get out of this so bad that I had actually considered 'accidentally' falling down the stairs in hopes of breaking a bone.

"Alan! Come on!" My Dad yelled and pounded on the door again, causing it to shake lightly. There was no use. There was nothing I could do so I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and slipped it into my back pocket along with my house key. I shut my bedroom door quietly and walked down the stairs carelessly. When I got to the bottom of the tan colored steps I could see Megan and my Dad talking.

Megan was dressed in another dress. This one hugged her body tightly and was a shade of red that matched my shirt. It had long sleeves and stopped a couple inches above her knees. Her dark brown hair was pulled back and her strappy heels made her stand a little taller while the make up on her face made her seem a little older.
"Alan! Yay! Finally!" She squealed and rushed to the bottom of the stairs. She flung her arms around me and placed a kiss on my cheek. I coiled back and shook my head before giving her a small, uneasy smile.
"Well Mr. Ashby," she said as she grabbed my hand to link it with hers. "I think we're gonna go now."
"Wait a second," my Dad said before turning to me. "Give me your phone."
"Why? What if I need it?" I stared at him like he was crazy.
"Give it to me god dammit. Megan will have a phone if you need it. I want you to pay attention to her tonight not that fag and not any of your little friends. Hand it over." He held his hand out and I reluctantly pulled my phone from my back pocket. He was quick to grab it and shove it into his own.
"Now you two have a great night." My Dad smiled at Megan. She smiled back and gave a little wave before leading us out the door.

During the car ride Megan drones on and on about some useless subject while I stared out the window. I didn't want to be here but I couldn't find any way out of it. I just hoped the night would end quickly. Then I could be back in my room texting Austin telling him what a horrible time I had and how much I missed him. Then he would suggest me sneaking out or him sneaking in, and even though that was probably the worst idea right now I would agree to it because the only person I actually wanted to see right now was him. I wanted to see his beautiful brown eyes and his kissable lips. I wanted to feel his arms wrapped around me tightly and hear him whisper sweet nothings into my ear. I just wanted Austin.

The car jerked to a stop and my seat belt pulled me back as I was slung forward.
"Yay! We're here!" Megan cheered. I rolled my eyes and unbuckled my belt before climbing out of the car. I stood there a few minutes waiting for Megan to get out but she never did. I walked around and pulled her door open to see what the problem was.
"Finally! Alan honey if we're ever gonna work you've got to learn to be a gentlemen. Next time make sure to open my door for me. That includes other doors too." She explained as she straightened out her dress. "Now come on I'm starving!"

She pulled me into the restaurant and I was less than impressed. None of the food seemed appetizing and the air in the building had an awful smoky haze that you could actually see. Megan, however, seemed more than happy when the waiter pulled out her chair and handed her the menu. I took my own seat and was handed my own menu. I didn't think I could really stomach much tonight. I wanted something simple but all of these dishes seemed to be way more than simple. Once the waiter came back over I just ordered something randomly and watched as Megan listed off her order with  special specifications.

"You know Alan, I'm really glad we got to go out tonight." She reached her hand across the table and laid it on top of mine. "You're really great. I know that my grandmother has told me that you're a little confused, but listen, I'll be here if you ever need to talk or if you ever want to just ya know, see what it's like to be with a real woman." I simply just shook my head and jerked my hand out from under hers.
"Listen I'm not here because I want to be. I'm here cause I have to be. So let's just get this thing over with so I can go home." I told her bluntly.
"Alan listen. We are going to have a good night together. We're gonna have fun, even if I have to make you. By the end of tonight you will realize that I'm the girl of your dreams!" I just scoffed at her and crossed my arms. I just had to make it through tonight that was all.

Soon our food came and we ate in silence.  Megan kept on studying me. She would eye me up and down, and occasionally when your gazes would lock she wouldn't look away. It made me extremely uncomfortable. She also had a habit of bumping my knee with hers or trailing her foot up the inside of my leg. By the end of the meal I was sitting just as far back as I could without it being noticeable.

Finally after she finished desert I let out a huge sigh of relief as the waiter bring over the check. She glanced at it a moment before sliding it across the table to me. I gave her a confused look and she picked a cheery up from the plate of fruit and shrugged.
"You're the guy Alan. You pay." I let out a frustrated sigh. This was ridiculous. I stared at her with a scowl as she chewed on the cherry before slipping the stem into her mouth. She held a finger up, signaling me to wait a moment. I kept my gaze on her and a few seconds later she pulled the stem out of her mouth with a triumphant smile. Great, she tied a cherry stem for me with her tongue.

I rolled my eyes. "Brilliant."
"I know! Now go pay baby. The nights not over yet!" I reluctantly got up from my seat and paid the overly expensive bill. There went the money I was gonna take Austin out with. Wasted on some stupid date with a dumb bitch. I walked back to the table and she was getting her purse. She locked arms with me and we left the restaurant.

What's Wrong With Us? {Cashby}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें