10| Be Good And Listen

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Alan's POV

"I don't know who he thinks he is." I complained to Gerard as we sat outside of the building waiting for Kellin. Austin spent the rest of our group session trying to convince me that I should be ashamed of kissing a guy and even feeling remotely attractive to a guy and it was seriously making me pissed off.
"I don't know Alan. Maybe he'll back off?" He said and I shook my head.
"Probably not." I muttered and leaned back against the hood of Vic's car.

We were waiting on Kellin. Mrs. Adams was having a little talk with him and his Dad would be showing up anytime soon. Everyone seemed on edge and I couldn't help but think of the worst. Out of everyone Vic was the most tense. His eyes never left the door and once, what I assumed was, Kellin's Dads car pulled into the parking lot Vic's eyes held a look that would scare the devil himself.

Kellin's Dad was roughly a little over six feet tall with a buff build that showed when he slammed the door to the car he had been driving, causing the whole car to shake a little. He had the same dark hair as Kellin but lacked the pale skin and blue green eyes as far as I could tell. He stormed up the steps and pulled the glass door open harder than necessary, letting it swing back harshly.

I looked over to Vic and watched his hands clenched. Frank was muttering something to him trying to calm him down and Vic just shook his head.
"One of these days I'm going to take him far away from everything and everyone who's ever hurt him." He said loud enough for our small group to hear. Everyone gave him sad looks and Frank squeezed his shoulder lightly and patted his back.

We had all been standing there around ten minutes when we heard the doors open. Vic's head shot up quickly and he let out a small curse when we all saw that it was just Austin. He walked towards us and I crossed my arms and shot him a glare.
"What are all of you still doing here?" He said and stood beside me.
"Waiting on Kellin."
"But his Dad is here to get him."
"That's not the point fuck face." Vic piped in.
"He's not in a good mood." Austin muttered and then looked at me. "You shouldn't be here." He said.
"Stop trying to interfere with my life. These are my friends and I'll hang out with them if I want to. It's none of your business."
"Actually it is my business. Maybe if you hung out with straight people you wouldn't try to fit in." He sang.
"Shut up." I grumbled.

Austin just hummed a tune and I was getting ready to ask him why he was hanging around but didn't get the chance when I heard a loud voice yelling.
"You are a fucking disgrace!" A deep voice yelled and the doors to the building opened and Kellin was pushed out by none other than his Dad. I looked to Vic and he clenched his fists and started towards them only to be pulled back by Frank.
"Vic don't." Frank said lowly. I looked back to Kellin and he was being gripped by the wrist and literally dragged to his Dads car. He was shoved against the car door and a finger was poked at his chest.
"If I'm called up here one more damn time you won't like the outcome." We heard his Dad say. I looked back to Vic and he was fighting Frank and now Oli's grip. Kellin glanced towards us, well more towards Vic, and shook his head at him.

"Look at me and not those fucking freaks!" Kellin's Dad boomed and then landed a harsh slap against his cheek.
"Fucking let me go." Vic said through gritted teeth as Oli and Frank held him back.
"I mean it Kellin. If I get called up here one more time or I find out you've been wearing anything a boy wouldn't wear you'll regret it." His Dad said in a lower voice that I had to strain a little to hear.
"I'm not joking Kellin. If they can't fix you I will." Was the last thing his Dad said before opening the passenger side of the car and shoving Kellin into the seat. His Dad walked around the car and then before getting into his own seat he flipped us off. He then sped away with a crying Kellin looking out the window.

I stood in shock as Vic finally pulled away from the other two boys. I jumped when he punched the hood of the car. He done it again and again until Frank pulled him away.
"Vic stop!" He yelled. "Keep a level head. We all hate it. Hate to see him leave with that bastard but if you do anything you know it will make it worse." Frank spoke calmly. Vic just put his head into his bleeding hands and Frank pulled him away from everyone else to talk.

No one was saying anything and I jumped when someone poked my shoulder. I looked over to see Austin still standing there with his eyes wide.
"Does that- does Kellin....how?" He trailed off. I didn't really know what to say because I was still confused. I knew that Kellin always hated to go to his house and the mention of his Dad had him scared and now I guess I knew why.

"Kellin's Dad hates him." Gerard spoke up from beside me. "Hates everything that makes Kellin Kellin. I honestly have no idea how long it's been going on but it was before this group, which was about a year ago, and before Kellin met Vic, that was about two years."
"Has anyone reported it?" Austin asked.
"Vic has a couple times when it's got bad but nothing is ever done, Kellin did once, well tried."
"What happened then?" I asked this time.
"He had been in the group about two months and one day he had a black eye and his wrist was broken. From what he told us Mrs. Adams pulled him away for a little chat to see what happened and Kellin broke down. Told her everything and she didn't do a thing. She told him it was good for him. That maybe with a little physical enforcement he would see how wrong he was."

Austin and I both were silent as Gerard finished.
"That's not right." Austin said as he looked at Gerard. "How could someone do that?"
"It's a fucked up world full of fucked up people Austin." Gerard said with a sad smile on his face.

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