20| My Way Or The Highway

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(Random pic of me today cause I felt cute lol)

Okay so this chapter was supposed to have dedications but it's kinda sad sooooo I'll just wait till the next chapter cause it's gonna be happy, hopefully.

Anyway have a good read you lovely little creatures😘

Alan's POV

I stared up at my Dad as he breathed heavily. His eyes were ablaze and I was absolutely terrified at this moment. I glanced at Mrs. Adams and she had a smug look on her face.
"Why don't you tell me what the fuck you did, I want to hear it come from your own filthy lips." My Dad seethed.
"I-I umm I kissed a b-boy." I stumbled out. He started laughing and at that moment I thought he had went crazy.

"I bet it wasn't your first one either. I bet you've even took it up the ass you little shit. Tell me huh? Have you locked lips with another man before?"
I didn't say anything, just looked away. He grabbed me by my chin and forcefully turned me so I was staring right at him. "Tell me."
"I-I have kissed a boy before." I said quietly.
"Probably let him fuck you too." He said and his grip tightened. I shook my head no furiously. I was still a virgin. Yea I've fooled around with other guys but I've never went all the way.

"Maybe that would teach you. Have some big dicked man ram into your sorry ass. Maybe a little pain would prove a point, but I'm not that cruel. Plus I'm not taking a chance with it, you may end up enjoying it." He squeezed my jaw again before letting go and apologizing to Mrs. Adams for my behavior. I just shrank in on myself and let everything my Dad say replay through my head. I, for the first time in my life, was terrified of my Dad.

Soon he quit talking to Mrs. Adams and was grabbing my wrist harshly and pulling me from the seat. His grip was hard enough to leave a bruise and he was moving so fast that I kept bumping into things. Once again we went through the room the therapy sessions were held and all eyes were on me as I was being dragged out of the building. I heard shouting voices behind me and only hoped that none of them followed me, but of course that couldn't be the case.

Halfway across the parking lot I was pulled back by Vic. The sudden force caused my Dad to let go of me and I went tumbling back into Vic who caught me easily. His eyes flickered to my probably red cheek and I saw his eyes full with anger much like my Dads before.
"Did you fucking hit him?" Vic seethed and my dad turned around and rolled his eyes at him.
"He's my sons and I'll discipline him how I see fit. Now I suggest you get your faggot ass back inside and figure out why your the sickening human you are."
"Fuck you." Vic said and started to pull me, gentler than my Dad, back to his car.

For a moment I believed that I would actually get away from him today but nothing seems to work out. As soon as Vic let go of me to get his keys, my Dad practically dislocated my shoulder while pulling me harshly away from Vic. He hauled me into the passenger seat and I could see and hear Vic screaming at him. I banged on the window and got Vic's attention. I shook my head at him and mouthed that I would be okay. He glanced between us both before saying something lowly to my Dad and storming off to where Kellin was standing on the steps with Gerard, helping him hold Frank back.

My Dad slammed the car door shut and threw the car into gear quickly. I held my sore shoulder and glanced out the window. My eyes caught someone else's and I gave them a small smile. Austin only stared at me with a frown on his face as the car and his image got further and further away. The whole car ride home was silent. My Dad never said a single word and I was even trying to quite my breathing so I wouldn't anger him.

When we got to the house he left the car without a word. I slowly got out and shut the creaky car door before actually going inside the house. Once I was in, I very slowly took my shoes off, stalling for a moment. I peeked my head around the counter of the living room and my Moms eyes immediately caught mine. Tears were silently sliding across her cheeks. She stood up and came over to me cupping my face in her hands. She ran he thumb across my bruising cheek before speaking. "My little boy." She muttered quietly. "What has gotten that head of yours so messed up?"

It only took a moment for me to realize what she said and I was quickly pulling back. I just shook my head at her and ran up the stairs to my room. I shut the door and slid down it, resting my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. I stayed that way a while, the day replaying in my head. The kiss, the confessions, the yelling, the hitting, all of it.

Today was overwhelming and all I wanted to do was cry, so that's exactly what I did. I didn't try to stop myself either I just cried and cried and cried. Only once was I pulled out of my pity party slightly and that was by my phone vibrating in my pocket. I figured it was Vic or Kellin checking up on me but I was shocked to find out it was neither.

From Austin: Hey Alan, Do you think we could talk?

I stared at the text a moment and sighed. I had nothing else to lose. I texted him back a sure and not even a minute after he sent me the place he wanted to meet and I was climbing out of my window.

What's Wrong With Us? {Cashby}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें