43| Foolish

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Andddddd here's another chapter for you lovelies!

Also I may be working on the last chapter of this story☺️ there's only two after this and I'm debating whether to update it one day at a time or just all at once. What do you guys think?

Alan's POV

Ever since I replayed to Austin what all I could remember I had been cuddled up in his arms. Vic and Kellin had been in a couple times to check up on us but I was quick to hide my face, I didn't want them to know. Austin had assured me that I had absolutely no reason to feel like I was disgusting but I couldn't help it. Every time someone looked at me, it felt like they knew what had happened. That I had just let myself be taken advantage of. I didn't try to stop her or fight against her, I was drugged but still I didn't like girls. It didn't make sense as to why I basically willingly went along with it. Why I didn't try to stop her. It made me feel utterly sick. I just let it happen. I didn't fight back. It was my fault.

"Alan maybe we should tell your parents first." Austin said pulling me out of my thoughts.
"What?" I said slightly confused. "Austin out of everyone they will definitely not believe me."
"But you are their kid Alan. They may be bad people but they are still your parents and you're their kid. That has to mean something." He said hopefully.
"Austin...I don't know."
"Maybe they could help us Alan. It's a long shot but somewhere inside their fucked up minds they have to realize you're their child and know that what happened was wrong." I stared at him thinking. It didn't seem like a good idea but maybe Austin did have a point. Maybe if I told them it would help me be able to tell someone else. True my parents and I didn't get along very well but they were my parents, maybe Austin was right, that had to count for something.

~~~ (if anyone remembers what I used to break apart scenes in this story let me know cause I've completely forgot lol)

I was shaking as the car pulled up to my parents house. I was rethinking this whole thing. How could I tell them that i, the gay son they hate, was raped by a girl, the granddaughter of the woman who was supposed to 'fix' me. The more I thought about it the more bizarre it seemed. I felt Austin put his hand on mine.
"If you don't want to do this we can go straight to the police. Like I said Alan I'm not letting her get away with it. I just figured it might make things a little easier if your parents knew. I don't know, maybe it's not a good idea. I know how they can be." He thought a minute before he sighed. "I'm rethinking this. You're parents aren't even a little bit nice, lets face it they're assholes.  Lets just go." He started to put the car in reverse but I stopped him.
"I think I'm going to tell them."
"Are you sure?"
"It can only go one of two ways. They'll hate me more or they'll take pity on me." I said. "I'm still nervous though. You're gonna be there right?"
"I'll be with you the whole time."

I nodded and gave myself a minute before getting out of the car and walking towards the front door with Austin close behind me. I raised a shaky hand to knock on the door and was soon greeted by my mother with a small smile.
"Oh Alan! It's nice to see you. Your Dad told me about your date with Megan. How did it go?" I felt myself tense up and I took a couple breaths before shaking my head.
"Umm actually I need to talk to you and um Dad."
"Well you and your friend come on in and I'll go see if your father is busy." She motioned both of us in and then left to go upstairs to get my father. I nervously took a seat on one of the couches and Austin sat beside of me. I wanted nothing more than to have Austin wrap his arms around me but I knew that wouldn't  help anything, that would only make things worse.

My breath quickened as I heard my parents coming down and I gripped the edges of the couch. Maybe this wasn't the best idea. Then again they were my parents right? Somewhere down deep inside them they had to have some form of love for me, right? I was their blood, but at times it seemed that didn't matter. I was here though, I might as well tell them, right?

My Dad huffed as he sat down on the couch and he glared at me while my Mom found her own place to sit.
"What's this about? I don't have time for bullshit." He said and crossed his arms over his chest.
"I'm it's about last night." I told him quietly.
"Oh your date with Megan." I felt Austin tense beside of me at his words and i tensed myself at her name. "How did it go? I bet it was great. She's such a sweet girl. Did you finally realize that we were right the whole time?"
"It didn't go well." I said and looked down.
"What did you do Alan? Don't tell me you ruined the girls night! She was only being helpful and she really likes you. I swear if you did anything to make her upset me and you are going to have a problem."
"Alan what did you do to her?" He demanded.

I couldn't help the tears that started to fall down my face and I couldn't help that I got angry.
"I didn't do a thing to her!" I said my voice rising. "I didn't do a thing! She's the one who hurt me." I was crying harder now and my breathing was quickly getting out of control.
"What could she have done to hurt you Alan?" He laughed.
"She raped me!" I yelled. Next thing I knew I was feeling a sharp pain in my cheek. He had slapped me. I looked up at my Dad with tears in my eyes. He looked livid.
"Don't you even try that. What a fucking disgrace you are. How can you blame something so disgusting on that sweet girl?! She never done anything to you Alan, besides being nice. She's never done a thing and for you to accuse her is downright wrong. Boys can't be raped Alan, are you out of your mind!" He pulled me up by my shoulders and shook me. I vaguely heard my Mom in the background telling my Dad to calm down but it didn't do any good "What else will that disgusting brain of yours make up! First being gay and now this! You're seriously sick Alan!" He pushed me backwards and I fell hard to the floor.

"Stop." I heard Austin say in a low voice. "Don't touch him again."
"He's my kid, I'll do as I see fit. You have no say so over how I discipline my kid." My Dad sneered at him.
"I don't but he is my boyfriend and i am not going to let him get hurt." The room went silent and I was quick to try and scramble to my feet.
"Out." Was all my Dad said. I looked at him hoping for some kind of sign that he was kidding. "OUT!" He yelled. "I want both of you sick faggots out of my house. I don't want to ever see you again Alan."
"Dad please just talk to m-" 
"NO! Out now before I make you leave." He said and I simply grabbed Austin's hand and made a run for the door.

We got to his car and that was when I fell to my knees. I was foolish to think they would believe me. I was foolish to think they could ever see anything past their own way of thinking. I was just foolish in general.

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