07| Forgetting

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It's May 22 guys.

Know what that's means?




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Alan's POV

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Alan's POV

I was woken up the next morning by a sharp knock on my door.
"Get up Alan!" I heard my dad yell then I heard his heavy footsteps go down the stairs. I sat up and rubbed my eyes tiredly before slipping out of my bed and going to take a quick shower. I quickly got dressed and grabbed my bag before going down the stairs.

I smelt the bacon and pancakes that my mom must have fixed and my stomach growled at the delicious smelling food. I threw my bag on the couch and made
my way to the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks when I saw the pans soaking in the sink and my mom and dad eating solemnly at the kitchen island. I looked around the kitchen and didn't see another plate or any extra food. I glanced at my mom and she just kept her head down and I didn't even get a chance to look at my dads face because his back was to me. I walked over to the fridge and opened it grabbing a bottle of water and carrying it to my bag. I slipped it in the side pocket and then slung the bag over my shoulder before walking out the door.

My once okay mood was incredibly lowered as I thought of what just happened. I was so used to waking up every morning to my mom making me breakfast, even if she left early she always has me a plate sitting out. When I decided to tell my parents about being gay I didn't think things would change drastically. Then again I didn't think they would be so against me. They were my parents and it really wasn't processing in my brain that my parents seemed to dislike me. Their own son over something as simple as my sexuality.

I was slowly making my way to school, wasting time and thinking way to much, when a car slowed down and pulled up beside me. I looked over and saw a car filled with Vic, Mike, Kellin, and Oli and sure enough a few seconds later another car pulled up behind them with Gerard, Frank, and Tony.
"Wanna ride?" Vic said while sticking his head out the window. "Pick a car and let's go!" He said in a really funny voice causing me to smile lightly.
"Wait! Wait! Let me get with Tony." Mike yelled out as I opened the back door to Vic's car. He rolled out of the back seat and literally jumped in the window of Frank's car. I heard Frank yell at him while Gerard laughed.

I slid into the seat beside of Kellin and turned to see Vic pouting.
"Now I'm all alone up here." He said to Kellin who just chuckled.
"Welp sorry babe I'm gonna sit back here with the coolest ginger I know." Kellin said and slung his arms around me.
"Only ginger you know." Vic muttered and shot me a playful glare before restarting the car and driving towards the school.

The whole car ride I sat and listened as Vic and Kellin bickered back and forth. I was quiet and content listening to them chatter. It kept me from thinking to much about my mom 'forgetting' to say goodnight and fix me breakfast. Apparently I had drifted into the realm of my thoughts because Kellin started shaking my shoulder.
"Alan are you okay?" Kellin asked. "We've been at school for like five minutes and you haven't moved." He said and I gave him a small smile.
"Yea. I'm okay." I said and got my book bag, getting out of the car and standing with the others outside of Vic's car.

"Now don't you lie to me. I know something's up. We're friends Alan and friends tell each other things. I know we've known each other a day and you can debate our friendship if you like, but I can read you like an open book and I know something is up. So tell me so I can go beat someone's ass." Kellin said and crossed his arms over the fabric of his baby blue sweater. I looked at the others for help and Vic mouthed 'you better tell him'. Kellin was staring at me with an impatient face and I sighed.

"It's stupid really." I said and Kellin uncrossed his arms and gave me a pointed glare.
"If it's bothering you then it's not stupid." Kellin said matter of factly. "Now please Alan tell us."
"It's just... my parents aren't exactly keen on the idea of me being gay and my mom 'forgot' to do things she's always done."
"Like what?" Kellin pressed.
"Like saying goodnight and fixing breakfast. See it's childish and not really a big deal. I just, I'm used to her doing it and it was a surprise that she didn't and I j-" a hand was slapped over my mouth and I looked at Kellin who was giving me a small smile.

"Alan it's okay to be upset over that, okay? Nothing like that is childish. It really hurts. Trust me I know. I went from being my parents favorite to something lower than the scum of the earth. It's the little things that hurt the most." Kellin said and I looked around to see all of the others with sad expressions on their faces while looking at Kellin and I.
"We're here if you ever need us Alan." Gerard spoke up. "You can talk to us about anything, no matter how childish you think it is." I gave them all a smile.
"Thanks guys."
"Anytime. Now come on, it's time for a fun filled day of learning!" Kellin yelled out and Vic chuckled at him before scooping him in his arms causing Kellin to shriek and Vic to laugh. I walked beside them with a smile on my face feeling a hundred times better than I did when I first started today.

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