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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
Dachi and I both took down many enemies as possible. We had another plan. That I helped take down the snake with the other jonin and he'll save the other civilians and take down ninja that try to kill them. I took out my needles and held them in front of me. "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" I said.

The molten needles injured the snake, but it wasn't enough. Kunai barely injures the snake, so what good will my weapon do? I guess I have to use my Sharigan now. I predicted the  moves of the giant snake, avoiding every attack. I landed on a building. "Lightning Style: Electric Needles!" I shouted.

The needles jabbed the snake, and paralyzed it. Another effect from the electric needles. "Fire Style: Phoenix  Flower Jutsu!" I said.

The snake got badly injured. At least I inflicted some damage.

~Dachi's P.O.V~
A bunch of sand ninja came towards my way. "Wind Style: Wind Vortex!" I shouted.

The sand ninja got injured. I saved the other villagers and brang them to safety. More sand ninja came. "Wind Style: Gale Palm!" I shouted as I slapped my palms together as I blew them away.

I bunch more sand ninja appeared and threw a bunch of kunai at me, I dodged. They used their jutsu against me, and I deflected it with my own jutsu. They tried attacking me again. "Earth Style: Mud Wall!" I shouted.

I blocked their attacks and did my own jutsu and attack. I threw some kunai in the air and did my hand signs. "Wind Style: Wind Vortex!" I shouted.

This is gonna take forever.

~Kronosa's P.O.V~
Alright, it looks like that attacking the snake won't do any good. So how about attacking the one who summoned the snake? The problem is,  I need to know who summoned it. The snake came from ahead, so I'll search there.

I used my Sharigan to find enemies. I don't usually rely on my Sharigan, J only do, when I need to. I threw some kunai at the precise time at my enemies. I saw a bunch of sand ninja ahead. They must be the ones who summoned the giant snake.

I threw kunai at them along with my needles. They dodged. "A mere genin huh? Throwing kunai won't work on us. Plus, we have a higher rank than you, and stronger than you too. Also, there's more than us, than you", one if them said.

"You really think so?" I said as I snapped my fingers.

A huge flock of crows and ravens flew in the air above me. "You think a bunch of birds can defeat us?" One of them said.

"Oh no, these aren't regular birds you usually find, they are trained by me. There are some crows in the flock, and some say that crows represent bad luck", I said.

"Hmp, whatever, one genin should be easy to defeat!" One of them said.

I commanded my ravens and crows to attack them. They all threw kunai and shuriken at them, but they all dodged. "All we have to worry about is the little genin! Once she's takened down, the crows and ravens will fly away!" Another one said.

"Right!" Another one said.

I dodged their attacks. I lifted my right leg and kicked one if them down. Then, I used one of my Skull Claws to stab them. One of them was hurled against a tree. I just needed to take down a bit more. They all came at me at once, using jutsu and weapons. They got distracted by me and my crows and ravens attacked them. I realized that three of them were fakes. I needed to find all three real ones, but I'm going to focus on the fourth one. "Lightning Style: Electric Needles!" I shouted.

The fourth sand ninja was injured badly. The three clones disappeared and the real ones came above me. They threw their kunai and jutsu at me. I got hit. But luckily. The real me didn't get hit.

"A darned shadow clone?" One of them shouted.

"Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" I said from above.

They got hit by my jutsu and then, my crows and ravens attacked. They were all finished. I needed to make sure that they were dead. "Lightning Style: Electric Needles!" I said.

Two of them grunted. I checked all their pulses, no response. I exhausted too much chakra. I stopped using my Sharigan. Even though I was granted with almost unlimited chakra, this was too much for me. I can't do anymore ninjutsu, or that'll exhaust all my chakra. For now, I need to either use Taijutsu or weapons. I could even rest. But, war is restless itself. I looked the barrier that the Hokage and where Orichimaru was trapped. It was covered with branches , or more likely a forest.  I couldn't see a anything except that in there. I ran to where Dachi was, he was still fighting, but except he was exhausted. Asuka came to us. She told us information. Hmmm.

"Water Style: Healing Mist Jutsu!" She said.

Suddenly, our injuries were healed. But how? With that one jutsu? It must be...?

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading so much. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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